James Sirius: The Day Everything Started

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James woke up that day to Teddy busting down his door, not really, and telling him it was time to wake up, because it was 7:30 AM.

"Hey, Teddy?" James asked.

"Yeah?" Teddy looked expectantly at James.

James threw a pillow at Teddy, "Go bother Al!"

Teddy left the room and James rolled over, smiling with delight as he shut his eyes again. He jolted awake again when his whole room started shaking. He leapt from his bed, ran into the hall, and nearly fell down the stairs.

Teddy and Albus ran out of Albus' room, freaked out and very confused. Lily appeared at the base of the stairs with the same expression on her face. Teddy grabbed Albus and James and bolted down the stairs; grabbing Lily and shifting into an object to shield everyone. James held onto Lily and Albus' hands, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as the house quaked harshly.

Lily screamed, so James pulled her in closer and ran his hand along her shoulder soothingly. Albus had turned invisible out of fear and Lily was getting so freaked, James saw some small decorative objects floated past them. Lily's signature orange glow lit the room up. James tried to be soothing, but his power wasn't really working.

It didn't like to cooperate when he wasn't confident in his words.

Suddenly, the house stopped quaking and a figure appeared in the window. All three Potter siblings + the Lupin boy were so stunned, their powers stopped in unison. The figure spoke.

"I am Circe! Goddess of Magic and Sorcery! And I have come to take your powers!" the figure said.

But before Circe could do anything, her eyes glowed green - Riley Goldstein's signature color. Then, she disappeared in a puff of smoke. Lorcan, Lysander, Erika, and Riley stood before them now, absolute wrecked. Erika looked the most tired. She must've flown here with everyone else carried on her back.

Lily opened the door. Riley stepped forward.

"Come on. We don't have long. That won't keep her away from here." she explained.

James stared at Erika and stated, "I don't think she can carry seven people. She seems tuckered out from three."

Lysander looked at him, "Yeah, James. That's why we're thinking of using Teddy's car."

"What?!" Teddy exclaimed.

Lorcan stepped forward, "We have to use some vehicle to get into the city. Erika's exhausted."

After several grunts and groans, they'd finally convinced Teddy on using his car. He got in and honked at everyone to hurry up. The car was littered with lipstick cases and a lot of other different 'mementos' from Teddy's girlfriend.

Victoire Weasley. James, Albus, and Lily's cousin. She lived in France with her parents, sister, and brother. She'd just left from a visit, as her brother is on a press tour for his newest movie. Teddy and Victoire had a very tearful goodbye, even though they'll see each other again in a few months when Victoire comes back for some modeling shoots.

Teddy's camera sat in his backseat and James had to maneuver his legs around it as he got in the car. Teddy hated when people touched his equipment, especially before he had a shoot. Lily and Lysander sat at James' sides, which really made him feel like a third wheel. They'd only been dating for a month and a half, but they were definitely the most annoying couple James had ever witnessed.

"Alright." James said when everyone was situated in the car, "Where are we going?"

Riley looked back at me, "Mars." she said sarcastically, before adding, "Manhattan, of course!"

"Why Manhattan?" James asked.

Lysander looked over at him, "The Avengers are there. Maybe they'll be able to help us."

Lily reached across her brother to grab her boyfriend's hand, "You're so smart, Ly."

"Not as smart as you, Lils." he said back.

James smacked their hands apart, "Okay! We're not doing this! I'm not moving; you're not holding hands!"

Lysander and Lily looked out the window as the car drove along the neighborhood streets casually. James didn't care if the world might end, he wasn't going to be caught in the middle of his younger sister and her boyfriend being lovey dovey.

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