Lorcan: Avengers Tower

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Lorcan sat in the very back of the car with Erika and Albus, staring out at the rolling scenery. Teddy and Riley were having 'adult' conversations up front, which was funny to Lorcan because Riley was seventeen and Teddy was barely an adult.

Lysander and Lily kept glancing at each other behind James' head, which made Lorcan dry heave. Lysander was technically his little brother and the thought of his little brother being in a relationship with a girl before him made Lorcan awkward.

Erika was taking a nap and Albus was watching TikTok's on his phone. He looked up at Lorcan for a moment.

"Hey! Check this creator out, Lorc!" he said.

"Al. You know I'm not huge on-" he stopped himself when he saw the creator Albus was showing him.

She was a beautiful girl with brown hair and murky green eyes and Lorcan found himself staring at her as she talked about sports problems.

"Lorcan?" he heard from in front of him. Lysander was staring at him, confused, "You okay?"

Lorcan nodded. Albus was snickering.

"I showed him this TikTok creator, Ly!" Albus held out his phone.

Lysander took one glance before smirking at his brother, "Did you just fall in love, Lorc?" Lorcan turned pink. Lysander laughed, "You did! Well, that's Rebecca Wood- daughter of the Quidditch star Harry's always admiring! You don't stand a chance!"

Lorcan bowed his head in shame. Erika was still deep asleep. Lysander laughed, making Lily and James join in. Lorcan knew they meant well, but it didn't really feel great. He was already the person in the car whose power didn't really help in a fight.

Riley turned around, "Stop it, guys. He may not say it, but he's really uncomfortable."

Everyone was suddenly quiet. Lorcan looked at Riley and mouthed thank you, but she wasn't watching him.

"No problem, Lorc." she said anyway.

The rest of the ride, everyone was silent with soft puffs of air coming from Erika, who was still fast asleep. When they finally made it into the city, Teddy turned onto every back road he could find. Lorcan knew that Edward Remus Lupin hated New York traffic. It wasn't much of a secret. Whenever he didn't have a back road to turn on, his teeth audible ground together at how slow the cars moved through intersections.

Finally, they made it their destination and parked in a garage about a block away. Walking into the lobby of the tower, a security guard stopped them and asked for identification.

"This is a classified building. Only staff are allow-"

His eyes glowed green as Riley convinced him to let them through. He stepped aside and Riley quickly ushered everyone onto an elevator. The door was already closed when the security guard came to his senses.

They went up in the elevator to the very top floor, listening to a very faint volume of the tune Back in Black. Lysander and Lily stood beside each other, Teddy and James stood together, watching them. Albus stood beside Lorcan, who was currently trying his best to keep Erika upright as she tried not to fall asleep on his shoulder. Riley was at the lead closest to the door, watching the light blink from level to level, her eye twitching every time the elevator softly dinged.

When they finally reached the top, a much louder ding announced their arrival. Walking into the room, the group looked around for any sign of life. But they saw no Avengers. There was one part of the wall that was collapsed in and wasn't definitely not man-made.

"Hello?" Lorcan called through the room. Something whizzed past his ear, scooping his hat from his head and leaving a rather intense gash on his cheek, "Ow!"

Lorcan took his hand and moved it in front of his face, bringing his hand back down, the wound was smoothly stitching itself back up. When it was done, Lorcan's face had no sign of a gash anywhere. Looking behind him, Lorcan found his hat pinned to the floor by an arrow. He heard another arrow was shot, but it suddenly stopped.

An arrow hung in midair, surrounded by Lily's glow. When it stopped glowing, it dropped to the ground like a piece of hail.

The person who shot the arrows jumped down to the floor and scanned the little group, judgingly.

"Who the hell are you?" he finally asked.

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