Chapter two- I Don't Know how to Know You Anymore

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Callie's POV:

My girl is coming back today, right now in fact. I'm in the airport waiting. But it's different this time, Arizona is staying. They don't have a place yet, so I cleaned up the guest bedroom because I knew that if I didn't Arizona would end up sleeping on the couch, which is too tempting for me, or my bed, which is beside the point. I took the next week off of work to spend with Sofia and help Arizona find a place if she wants. And then I heard the best song in the world.

"Mama! Mama!" Sofia screamed running towards me with open arms. I kneeled down and opened my arms, welcoming her into a warm hug. I looked behind her and saw Arizona slowing walking towards us. Her leg was bothering her, but she just got here, I'm not going to pry, I'll see how she acts first. As we grow closer, I stood up again, taking Sofia's hand. We smiled at eachother before we were close enough to talk. She didn't smile with teeth which confirmed it, she's uncomfortable. As we grew nearer to each other, we got stuck in a moment staring in each others eyes, and she did start to smile sigh teeth.

"Hi Calliope" she said, standing with us.


I hate when everyone else calls me it, but with Arizona it's just different.

"Hey" I responded still smiling until our moment broke and we looked away.

We continued our walk in the airport to the car in silence, while looking away from each other and holding Sofia's hand.

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