I passed this gorgeous street in the city. Kind of secluded but not really. Flowers and plants were everywhere.  There was this "Dale Cafe", I went inside. I ordered a regular iced coffee, well my main reason was to ask this woman if there was any position, you know...a position for any jobs I was looking for.

"Good day, I love the iced coffee", I said, the woman in the counter beamed at me. I took a deep breath and spoke a word.

"Are there any available jobs here? Like I love the street, I love the atmosphere here...maybe I could wash the dishes - "

"You wanna work here?"

"If that's possible"

The woman looked at me twice, she seemed like in her middle-age, she took off her apron and got out the counter. Now she was facing me.

"Good day to you. I would love to have you here, honestly we're looking for a waitress for months now...did you have any experience?"

I shook my head from left to right, and she just nodded.

"You have an aura that I like, how old are you by the way?"

"Oh I'm... nineteen, I just turned nineteen"

"Perfect", she said.

"I believe this would be a good opportunity, who's the owner here?", I asked.

"It's me! I'm Morgan Dover, the owner and the manager, it's nice to meet you"

I was surprised, I didn't know that I was talking to the owner. She had a blonde hair, a pale-blue eyes, her wrinkles were not so visible and she had a smile that made everything go so well. 

"I'm Sadie Wynn, nice to meet you too"


A week passed and my job at Dale Cafe went really great. The wages were good and the rest of the staffs were so friendly. There were only three people during the weekdays but sometimes four. I thought I would make a lot of friends at work but I didn’t…I was the only teenager there and the rest were on their thirties. I had a rest day at Saturday and Sunday but if Miss Morgan would ask me to work with the said rest days then more bucks would be added to my pocket. Life was good not until I went back to my aunt's house...where everything seemed so unwell.

"Bullshit Molly!!"

I heard Daniel screamed, different pictures were flashing through my mind. I kept myself warm and just listened to some pop songs.

"Fuck", I muttered. I put down my earphones and took a deep breath. Daniel's voice was so loud, I could hear it no matter how I didn't want to.

"You bitch!! You're a bitch Molly!"

I heard a vase that was broken. I opened my bedroom's door a little.  Daniel groaned and my aunt was just silent. I didn't know what they were arguing for, but with those glass shattered on the floor...I guessed it was something bad. I closed the door and went back to my bed. A minute later, I saw my aunt standing in front of my closet. She was crying.

"Oh God"

I immediately went to her.

"You can sleep here in my bed aunt"

She touched my face. Her hands were cold but still managed to smile.

"It was my fault. I brought her past wife again… it was my mistake"
I was shock with her words. Her fault? I never wanted to call her naive but it felt like my aunt was quite naive now.

"She called you bitch - "
"Stop it Sadie"
"He was about to - "
"I said stop it... it's okay now. I can't cry in front of him. I have to go, goodnight"

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