Class packed with the students. Tje class will start soon.. I glance at Yibo a second, then I walk to the back of the room, my favorite corner since I was primary school, only for the different reason. Last time it was because I'm insecure and unconfident and now because it's a good spot for me to enjoy the lecture in relax and sometimes dozing off. I take the seat at the far back of the classroom and taking out the notebooks and the printed book from my bag.

"Yibo, Baby! Sit with me!"

I hear Yan Ting's cat's voice again. I glance at her through the corner of my eyes and I see Yibo slides into the row of the seat with Yan Ting who pulling him in. I drop my gaze back on my notebook when Yibo turns to my direction.

The professor comes into the classroom and immediately starting the lecture. I focus my attention to the lecture he's giving us, trying to distract myself from glancing to the front seat on the far left side of my seat where Yibo sits side by side with Yan Ting. But in one moment I can't help to glance at his side when I feel something strange, as if someone is staring at me. So, I turn my gaze to the left side of the forth row of the seat, two rows away from mine.


I feel my heart stops pumping up the blood. I stare at the person who staring at me with his slanted eyes but with sharp gaze. The person grins at me.

"Shâ...." I mutter to myself while fixing my sitting position and turn my gaze back to the lecturer.

Knock! Knock!

Someone knocks on the classroom's door. Promptly, the people inside the class turn their heads to the door, including me. I see a boy with dyed dark blonde hair, he left his bang drops on both sidye of forehead and a headphones hugging his neck perfectly. He smiles at the professor. His smile is... So captivating. The wide smile, showing all his white and neat teeth behind his plump lips.

Wait! Damn! What did I even think of? I'm weird. Yeah... I am. That's why I've been bullied back then. I'm a dork.

"Yes? Can I help you, Sir?" The professor asks the boy

"Yes. My name is Hyungwon. Chae Hyungwon...!" Replies the boy.

"Owh! You're the new student. Get a seat!" Says the professor, tilting his chin, gesturing the boy to go to get his seat.

The boy bows at the professor while saying " thank you!"

Then he turns to the pupils and slightly bows, then he steps on the steps to get a seat for himself, while professor resumes his lecture. I also don't bother to watch the boy. I turn my gaze to the professor, but before it I take a glance at Yibo. He doesn't look at the new kid either like some of the students do, especially the girls . But he looks at me.

Shit! What with that stupid smirk on his face? I roll my eyes then get my attention back to the professor.

"Can I sit here?"

A soft voice interrupting my concentration. I turn to the isle and there is the new kid standing beside my seat. I look at him. He's cute. Pretty. He has slanted eyes and perfect nose. I stare at him for a while before I nod my head and slide further in to give him the space to sit.

"Thanks!" That boy smiles and immediately sits beside me.

He takes out his notebook and stationary and focus on the lecture.

"Can I share the book with you? I get mine after this class...!" He says to me.

He means the print book for the subject. I nod again and push the print book to him.

"You can have it...!" I say.

"You?" he looks at me.

"I'm fine. I want to sleep," I reply to him. Then I drop my face on my hands that folded on the table and try to sleep.

When I Told You Thatजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें