The Contract: Part 1

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"Hello, this might not be the best time, but it needs to be done, or at least considered.

You might say no, and that is perfectly fine. I just want you to know what you are in for. I am proposing a fake relationship. Do you want to get back at your dad and sister for being assholes towards you? You want to be avenged for the assault and harassment you went through and you want to punish those that have hurt you. I want to help you, but I will not help you unless I got something in return. I need someone to pose as my partner or wife to be able to inherit the money from my parents and their company. It is very much your decision, however, I will list the benefits of this offer:

You will have a reputable name for you

You will have access to my bank account: which has millions

Someone will always be there to protect you, whether it be me or a bodyguard.

You will live in a big house that has all the amenities that you could want or need and we can add more to fit your taste.

Someone will wait for your every desire.

You will have the chance to go to many dinners, galas, parties, or fancy gatherings requiring you to dress like a princess or model. It depends on your choice.

If desired, there will be no romantic feelings involved.

We will sleep in separate rooms.

You will get a lot of personal space.

Those are some ‌positives that can come from signing this contract. However, there are some downsides to this.

We will have to get married in a few months.

When my parents come over, we have to act like we sleep in the same room and see each other all the time.

I cannot see you all the time.

I will need to know a lot about you to make it seem like we have been dating for years. This will require you to make a list of facts or allergies about you when I come to pick up the contract. (I will provide my list on one document in the folder.)

You cannot know what I do for a living until we get married or become partners. This is mostly because I need to keep you safe.

Should you need to ask questions, you can ask me directly or one of your assistants.

You may list any of your conditions on your list of facts and allergies about yourself. The time length of this contract will last as long as needed and will be terminated anytime you or I wish. Please contact me if you have ‌questions. 

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