The Reason: Part 2

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I finally got to the bus, paid the fare, and sat down. I am struggling to catch my breath but am succeeding. Should I have run away so quickly? Was it a childish move? It was not, and I definitely did not have to hear any of them out. Was it my fault that I would get harassed and there was nothing done about it? No, it absolutely was not my fault. At this point, I started crying in front of all the people on the bus. Did I have a clue of where the bus was going? Not one. Did I care? Not in the slightest. The tears flooded down my face, taking the mascara with them. Was I really not good enough for my father to be proud of me? Everyone was staring at me. I looked up and realized there were a bunch of younger-looking people on this bus. None of them were lower than high school. I tried to wipe my tear-stained face, but there wasn't much success. Some high school students walked over to me with a makeup wipe.

"Here, take this. You don't need to look old and gross with a tear-stained face." 

I looked at her and gave her some gratitude. The window helped me look into the eyes that I had cried with. I eventually got to the area near my house and traversed through the midday heat.

"I have made my decision!" I looked up at the sky and raised my fist, claiming my thoughts.

"I will not let this disappointment take control of my life entirely. This is going to be hard and a challenge. I think ‌I can do it." 

I arrived quickly at my apartment complex. My heels were killing me, even though I took my heels off a minute ago. I looked back and saw a trail of blood following me. Were my feet bleeding? I looked down and became mortified at the number of cuts I had. The path I took must have been extremely dangerous, and I hadn't noticed until I arrived home. Had I really been so distracted that I couldn't even realize or feel the pain and blood while walking? My complex had blood pooling around me and I needed to hurry inside to clean up. Will they think a murder took place? Possibly.

"But was there a murder? Yes, I had killed off the little pride I had left." 

I realized that I had thought out loud and looked around to make sure someone hadn't seen me or heard me. I grabbed my keys and walked into my apartment and went directly for the first aid kit. The one time I didn't have any bandaids, I needed a lot of them.

My phone rang across from the room. It was an unknown number, but it had the same area code. I answered.

"I saw what you did. You should join my company to take over your fathers."

"Who is this?"

"Meet me in front of your old office and we will talk." 

And with that, they hung up. Should I get back at the company for doing nothing about the assault inflicted on me?

"I'll decide in the morning."

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