The Reason: Part 3

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. After seeing a post about a park, I remembered the meetup and the random caller. I decided ‌I will go just for the fun of it and see what they offer. There was this underlying feeling that I felt in my gut. Almost as if I knew the person talking, like I can see them standing in front of me. Tall with dark hair and a built chest. Like the man that was in the office with my dad and sister. Was he conspiring with them?

I got up and showered, trying to look presentable, considering what had happened the day before. Throughout the day I was going to go job hunting to make some money to keep my apartment. I had arrived at the park after eating my breakfast and taking the bus there. At the park, I was on edge, constantly watching everyone's moves and who was walking over to me on the bench. Suddenly someone stood behind the bench, looking away from me. They spoke in a low tone and volume.

"Don't turn around just yet. I have a proposition to make. Just let me explain." I stayed facing forward and occasionally looked around to not seem awkward or like I was in trouble.

"You told me that ‌we could get back at my father and family. At this point, I am all ears."

"Good, I do not expect you to trust me at the start, but I will need you to trust me further down the road if you agree with me. Now, to my proposition, I want to make a deal with you. I can give you the life that you want or need. Only if you follow certain conditions and respect the position I give you."

Whipping around I looked at him in disbelief.

"I didn't say you could turn around yet." 

He was the same person from the office yesterday. Watching me get manhandled by my own father and not stepping in to help at all.

"Why should I? Yesterday you didn't even bat an eye at what you saw in the office."

"My apologies, I wanted to step in, but it would've ruined everything. All the plans I had made to get to you and your father." 

He bowed forward towards me in apology. I scoffed and turned around.

"Look, I want you to look at my proposition and think it over. It will greatly benefit your life and mine. In taking revenge against your father and climbing higher to take over what those people have done to you."

He handed me a manila folder with my name on it. I took the folder and started to open it until he put his hand on the opening.

"Don't open it here. Wait until you get home or away from me. I am putting my trust in you. It might mean nothing to you now, but it will. As a precaution, one of my bodyguards will follow you because I cannot have anything bad happen to you." 

I moved the envelope from his hand and stood up.

"I do not understand why you are trusting me right now, but I think the bodyguard is a bit too much."

"Because you met up with me, someone that hates me wants you. This is all just a safety precaution. The bodyguard will not touch you or enter your house. They will simply just follow you and stand in front of your apartment door. It is only for your safety if you get involved with me."

And with that, he walked away. I stood up and headed home when a man jumped in front of me asking for what I had in the folder. I tried to ignore him when the bodyguard stood behind me. The man in front of me practically shit his pants as the shadow loomed over me. It was the man I was just talking to.

"I forgot to mention one thing. You can't tell anyone what is in that folder. Absolutely no one can know." 

I nodded and continued walking away when I saw someone in the distance. He nodded towards me. I guess he was signaling to me ‌he was my bodyguard.

I eventually made it to the bus and made it home. The pool of blood dried up, but it was still red like there wasn't an attempt to clean it at all. I got inside the apartment and sat the folder on the island in the kitchen. Pulling the stool out, I tied back my hair and sat down. I stared at the folder, hoping that it would open and read itself. Maybe it had the possibility of catching on fire. I opened the folder and pulled out all the documents that were in it. There were some photos of you, your father, and your sister. Your sisters' was obscene as well as your father's. Your photos were of you going to your regular places like work or the store. However, the majority of the content in the folder was a contract about an arrangement. It said:

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