" Nothing tell me why you called me at this time. Don't you know that l am busy now? ", l acted to be anger.

" How will l know that Jay that you are busy because you keeps on giving tons of work to all of your employees ", l heard Khushi's mischievous voice.

" Acha is it so? "

" Yes, well by the way. Give the call to Ritika. I need to talk some thing important with her "

" Why? Call her directly ", l said to Khushi.

" I don't know why but Ritika is not picking up the call", l heard Khushi's voice.

" May be she is busy "

" Of course she will be, after all you have given her lots of work to do "

" Is it so? She is currently handling sales department "

" It is really important, just give your phone to Ritika. I need to talk with her"

" Nope, request me Khushi then only l will pass the phone to your friend Ritika ",  l was enjoying the banter. I was sure till now Khushi's face might turned in to red shade. She might be dancing in anger.

" Jayyyyyyyy", Khushi shouted.

" Ouuuchhh my poor ears ", l joked.

" Please Jay give the phone to Ritika ", Khushi pleaded.

" Oh wow did l heard the word Please? ", l teased Khushi.

" You know what, just forget it ", Khushi was about to disconnect the call but l apologized to her.

" Okay.... Okay sorry, l am giving the phone to Ritika "

" Better ", Khushi rolled her eyes

" Ritika.... Ritika.... Manoj where is Ritika? "

" Sir l think she is in marketing department ", Manoj said to me.

" Why she is present in the marketing department, isn't it her work in sales department? "

" Yes sir but she went to meet her new friend"

" Strange.... Every one making new friend", l said in a monotonous tone.

" Of course, every one will be. They are not bitter guard like you ", l heard Khushi's teasing voice from phone. Yeah l forgot the phone is still on. The girl must be hearing it.

" Manoj go and call to Ritika. Tell her to assemble in my room with in a minute ", l said in a harsh tone.

" Yes sir ", l heard Manoj's sacred voice. Saying this he ran away towards marketing department.

" Ufff!! I feel pity on your employees. They are like a ghost for them ", again my cute neighbour started her so called stupid talks.

" Non of your concern, just shut your mouth Khushi "

" Hmmmm, again back to arrogant behaviour ", muttered Khushi but l heard it.

" Did you said any thing Ms. Talkative and clumsy girl? "

" Did l ? No.... Not at all Mr. Arrogant man ", Khushi was pulling my legs.


Ritika came running and stood in front of me

" Good morning Jay sir!! Did you called me  ? ", Ritika asked me in a scared tone.

" Yeah what were you in the marketing department? "

" Sir.... Woh.... I.... I.... Meet.... Meet new.... New friend ", Ritika was fumbling with the words. For the first time l saw Ritika shambering with the words. Some thing was strange.

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