Chapter 10

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Jay's pov:

Next day started with new hope, new strength, new thoughts. Today is a big day for me. I need to impress my client. Mr. Goyal is a great business man. Collaboration with his company will bring tons of profile and goodwill in my company. He prefer more of home cooked food rather than restaurant or hotel's food. I have full trust on Khushi. She must be cooking delicious lunch today for us. I am very thank full to her. Although it has been many days, we didn't had a proper conversation with each other. I don't know why but l felt like she was trying to ignore me. I quickly had my black coffee and made my way towards the office. All the presentations, files, garment's samples were kept perfectly in the office. Akash too came to help me. It was the time for Mr. Goyal's arrival. I personally went near the entrance to greet him with a garland.

" Welcome sir, your presence brought shine and glow in my company "

" Awww Mr. Verma, thanks a lot", Jolly oldie Mr. Goyal said.

I welcomed him by offering garland. Morning tea and snacks were provided to him. Our meeting started enthusiastically. I was praying for the best. The intense meeting got ended after two hours. It ended in a good note. He was quite impressed with my work.

" Young boy, l am very happy and cushy by your work dedication "

" Thank you so much sir. Your approaching words just made my day"

" It's nothing like that young boy. Sky is the limit. You need to touch the sky in the business ", Mr. Goyal kept his hand on my head. He was really father figure to me.

" Mr. Goyal let's go at my place to have pure, authentic gujrati dishes ", l said with a smile.

" Jay you know right that l don't like food from restaurant "

" Yes sir, hence all the food items are home cooked especially for you "

" Omg l never knew you know to cook gujrati food items too ", Mr. Goyal said while l laughed.

" No sir, all the foods are going to cook by Khushi. She is my neighbour "

" Oh, is she young just like you? ", suddenly Mr. Goyal asked me.

" Yeah sir", l said while Mr. Goyal smirked at me.

" I think.... You are thinking some thing different..... It's nothing like that", l gave the justification as l was able to see his sly smile.

" I didn't even said any thing. You are assuming every thing ", Mr. Goyal was pulling my legs. I pouted while Mr. Goyal and Akash laughed a loud.


I, Akash and Mr. Goyal were sitting on the dining table at khushi's flat. She was preparing some yummy delicious lunch for us. Vatika was helping her too. After few minutes later, Khushi and Vatika brought plates and bowls for us.

Khushi cooked Khaman Dhokla, Aam Shrikhand with Mango Salad, Kadhi, Dal Dhokli, Methi ka Thepla, Jalebi, etc many more. I was impressed by Khushi's dedication. She really took extra efforts to cook such dishes for us. Vatika, Khushi and Ritika placed the food items on our plates. I was hell curious to taste the first morsel.

" I repeat girls, l hope it is home cooked food", Mr. Goyal said making me nervous.

" Yes sir, all the food items are cooked by us only sir. Rest assured!! ", Khushi said while smiling.

Khushi served us green salad. She was about to put dhokhe on ny dish but Ritika brought more bowls.

" Ritika was is this? ", Khushi asked her.

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