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Jisoo answered the call with fingers crossed. Hoping that would be a good news.

"Don't expect good news from me, gorgeous CEO"
Taehyung said with light chuckle.
It seems like he is tired of failing.

Jisoo's face immediately changed to pinch of sadness.

She is not disappointed of Taehyung at all. She just don't want him to feel low again. Jisoo knows Taehyung will take failures seriously.

"Its o-okay, we got many chances"
Jisoo tried to assure him.

She can hear deep sigh from other side. As expected , he is taking this way too serious.

"I don't know, may be I should stop tryi----

"Don't, just because you are failing many times.

It doesn't mean you are not talent enough.

Those audition people are really dumb. They missed the real talent"
Jisoo said with small frown.
She is accusing those audition people like every time.

Taehyung shakes his head with smile. Jisoo and Namjoon says this every time.

These are the only two people who supports him no matter what. Even his family are ready to abandon him now.

"You guys won't change .

Anyways, I guess I disturbed you. Your employee was refusing initially to give you phone"
Taehyung said casually while walking back to home in mid sun.

"No, not at all.

You didn't disturb me .

It's just I'm in one meeti----

Oh fuck, that's really important meeting.

People are waiting for me there.

I t-think I should go there now.

So yeah bye, text me after you reach home.

You better repair your bike, you can't walk to everywhere"
Jisoo said hurriedly while checking watch.

With Taehyung, she will forget everything.

He is her another world, another life.

They started dating from one year. It all started with Jisoo getting excited to drink in less expensive club.

Then she saw one extremely handsome and funny guy. For Taehyung, she used to visit club every weekend.

They became acquaintances at first. Then Jisoo felt like it would be cool if they become friends.

But Taehyung has another plans. He directly proposed her to be his girlfriend.

Jisoo was taken back and more than happy at his proposal. That's what she wanted tbh but felt like taking it slow.

They decided to keep their relation private. Since one among of them is so popular and is on limelight.

"See, that's the effect of Kim Taehyung"
He said with teasing smile knowing Jisoo left everything like before.

"Shut up , bye "
With this Jisoo rushed to board room. Making Taehyung laugh on the other side.

He really adores this side of her a lot.

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