"Yeah, sure. I guess I am starting to feel a little hungry" , I said.

I noticed the top of my right hand that was still sore from where I was fed intravenously in the hospital. There was a bruise where the needle entered my vein. I pulled out a kitchen chair and sat down with my arms resting on the table. I looked at my hands. They seemed ok except for where that needle went in.

Dad got out a frying pan and eggs, and then cracked several of them and put them in the pan once the pan was buttered up and hot. He opened a cabinet and pulled out a box of Cheerios, and a bowl. He stuck that on the table in front of me and then opened the fridge and placed a carton of milk in front of me.

"Eat as much as you want, Cole.", he chuckled. "You're a growing boy", he smiled at me.

"Yeah, dad", I demurred. "The eggs and butter smell good"

"Yeah, Cole, you actually eat a lot of eggs. You told me once that it was the perfect food , and especially for when you are weight training. We have always made sure we had plenty of them for you. I think sometimes you even eat them raw mixed up in milk, or something. Some people think its bad because of the cholesterol, and to eat so many eggs but I think recently the medical people are saying that egg cholesterol is actually not so bad compared to other sources of cholesterol. I think you told me that, Cole"

"Really?, I said that". I looked at him as he had turned away from the stove to face me.


"Dad, I really don't think I know myself very well" I started to fumble with my hands and felt a little sorry for myself.

"I guess I am pretty much a mess", I continued. "I don't know why I am interested in weight training or why I wanted to climb that stupid rock wall or whatever it was I fell from."

"Cole, your mother and I really love you very much. Both of us feel really lucky to have both you and your sister and we will do whatever we can to help you through life, if you want the help. The reason I say 'if you want the help' is because sometimes you want to do things on your own, and thats normal and fine for a 15 year old", he said.

"Right now", he continued, "I do think you need a bit of help. You definitely need to get your memory back. The doctors seem to think that will happen. We will just take it one day at a time. I think you are doing pretty well. Don't get discouraged"

Something was starting to burn. I could smell it. My dad turned around and tended to the pan.

"Oh, wow!", he said. "Well, the eggs are ok. It must have been something on the burner. I will switch burner."

He turned the other burner on and moved the pan to it. He laughed.

"Well, you don't want your dad to burn the place down, do you?"

"I looked down at the table and chuckled. Your doing ok, dad".

ColeWhere stories live. Discover now