I Encounter A Very Curious Weapon

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Place: Earth - Empire State Building
POV: Percy Jackson

It had been a very tough time for us demigods. Kronos and his army had reached very close to the empire state building and had us practically pinned to the walls of 'Olympus'. Typhon would soon reach there and it would be game over for us.

This is it, I thought... The end of the world.

Just then, there was heard a sonic boom as something big, heavy and metallic flew over my head.

"Hey! What was that?!?" I shouted. Well, now usually, I don't pay much attention to heavy metallic things flying over my head but this one was different. First, it was flying at supersonic speeds. Second, it was crackling with immense power. The power that could make Zeus look like a rag doll. And that thing knocked me over with its sonic boom. Well, it knocked over half of Kronos's army to so I'm not exactly complaining...
Just then someone shouted, "Percy! Look behind you! Duck!" And I ducked. Just in time too, because a battleaxe passed the area where my head would have been a few milliseconds ago. I turned around to face a very annoying monster. Yup. You guessed it. It was the Minotaur. Bull man. The most annoying and dumbest monster in the whole Greek Pantheon. That guy never takes a break! And I reached for riptide. But then I remembered that I had given that to Annabeth who was two whole blocks away calling some reinforcements. So I did the only logical thing a demigod would do. I didn't run, and instead shouted, "Somebody, give me a shield!" Then Will shouted, "Somebody, give this man a shield!" And just then, the big shiny heavy thing flew in again and hit a home run by flinging bull-man across the city and into the sea, where he exploded into golden dust upon impact.

I was relieved at first, that is until I saw the shiny flying projectile coming for me! I didn't even have time to react before it just came and rested in my outstretched open palm! It was a hammer. A very unbalanced-looking hammer. But felt perfect. And it was light as a feather. At first, I thought it was one of Hephaestus's personal weapons, but it was soon clear that that was not the case. Because I was still in one piece. But I didn't have much time to think about it as I had other problems at hand. Like Kronos. Speaking of which, I just figured he was about to behead me, so I just used the hammer to lock the strike. But my shiny toy outdid itself. It broke the scythe! Boom! Game over!
Every single monster stopped, including Typhon, and they stared at us. All the demigods and gods were confused at first, as to why the fighting suddenly stopped. Then they saw me, crackling with electricity, leaking pure liquid energy, floating 10 meters in the air, with a very unbalanced-looking, super-powerful hammer in my hand. The look on Hephaestus's face was priceless! He was soo jealous!
And Zeus looked gobsmacked!

And then, all hell broke loose. Every monster, every bad guy of the Greek pantheon swarmed me like a swarm of wasps on a field and attacked all at once. I tried to hit them one at a time my hammer had other ideas. It started spinning in my hand and I was holding a leather strap at the end of its handle, barely holding on. No one stood a chance. Electricity formed a dome around me, and I started unleashing my water powers as well... Well, let's just say the monsters were all shocked to death. Literally. That left me with Typhon and Kronos.

I left the now weaponless titan of time to the mercy of the gods and turned to face Typhon. The beast was fuming. He roared and charged towards me, and I had no choice but to pray that the hammer did its thing. Typhon unleashed a huge thunderstorm on me but surprisingly my 'metal block on a handle stub' adsorbed all of it. "Yeah, baby!" was all I could say before a phenomenal blast of energy came out of the hammerhead in a beam and hit Typhon square in the chest. He stumbled and fell back down in the ocean. Then the hammer shot out of my hand and went up in the sky before it came down at speeds that would make Hermes look like a hopeless amateur baby, and slammed into Typhon, fading him on the spot!

Everyone was looking at me with fear and respect in their eyes. To say that Kronos was trembling with fear was an understatement.

He was literally begging for mercy. He wanted me to kill him, or imprison him in Tartarus again, or anything else. Just not what Typhon got.

But before any of us could say anything, the hammer hit him hard between his eyes and he too, faded.

Zeus was the first to speak up. "Well, looks like young Perseus here has cleared the mess. So let's just go home and never speak of it." Everyone glared at him. Then my father stared pointedly at him and said, "Or, we could thank and reward the heroes and give them something in return for Clearing Our Mess?" Everyone mumbled their agreement.

Zeus sighed defeated and then shouted, "Well Then, LET THE CELEBRATIONS BEGIN!" And everyone cheered.

Long story short, we enjoyed that party on Olympus and the gods drank a lot of wine, courtesy of Dionysus (yes, he was freed from his punishment and he was very happy).

Much later into the night, Annabeth and I had sat down and talked. She had brought me a blue cupcake and we had celebrated my birthday. Just the two of us, on the dining pavilion in camp half-blood on Long Island South. Just as we kissed finally, the pavilion was suddenly filled with torchlight and campers. Clarisse led the way as the

eavesdroppers charged and hoisted us both onto their shoulders.

"Oh, come on!" I complained. "Is there no privacy?"

"The lovebirds need to cool off!" Clarisse said with glee.

"The canoe lake!" Connor Stoll shouted.

With a huge cheer, they carried us down the hill, but they kept us close enough to hold hands.

Annabeth was laughing, and I couldn't help laughing too, even though my face was completely red.

We held hands right up to the moment they dumped us in the water.

Afterward, I had the last laugh. I made an air bubble at the bottom of the lake. Our friends kept

waiting for us to come up, but hey-when you're the son of Poseidon, you don't have to hurry.

And it was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time.

As for the hammer, the moment Hephaestus took it in his hands to examine it, it flew up to go back wherever it came from. That really was a very curious weapon, but I didn't think about it much longer, because I had other things at hand. Like Annabeth. I finally got with the girl who I loved and I had every intention to spend all my free time laughing away with her...

But knowing my luck, this happiness won't last long. Well... I'll deal with it when the time comes...

For now, with great power, comes the great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.

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