Chapter 1 Winry's POV

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"Thanks for the repair again, I'll be easier on it this time!"

Ed hollered back after I repaired his newly wrecked arm. He had beaten it up quite a bit this time . I had to use all new metal for it. Now all I was left with was a pile of old scraps. He started to walk of just like every other time.

Except this time Alphonse wasn't with him. Something struck me inside. I've always had feelings for Ed, and wanted to tell him, but with Al being there, I never got a good chance. I needed to speak up, I was scared but I managed to peep out, "wait!" He turned around smiling and replied joyfully,

"What's up?"

"Oh... Uh, I-"

I didn't think this through very well... I didn't know what to say but I just kind of made up it up on the spot.

"Well, since your here and stuff, why don't you stay for a while?"

"Oh... Sure, I guess."

Yes!!! He said yes!

Sorry that the chapters won't be that long, but I hope you enjoyed the first one! I plan to keep writing regardless, but if your enjoying so far! Leave a comment saying if you want more soon!!!

Thank you!!!


Stay a while (DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora