4: Unknown Disasters

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"Excellent work, everyone!" All Might called to the gathered class. All battles had come to an end, with only one injured student who couldn't just walk it off.

  "We didn't have any major injuries other than Young Midoriya, either! You guys took this seriously, you all did a good job for your first training!"

  "To have such a proper class after Mr Aizawa's... it's kind of anticlimactic..." Asui didn't need to say anymore to lower the mood.

  "We're free to have proper classes as well! Well then, I must review the results with Young Midoriya!" All Might raised an arm, almost frantic with his movements.

  "Change and return..." he lifted an arm and a leg, ready to run off.

  "...to the classroom!" He shouted, taking off through the tunnel leading back to UA as the remaining 19 students simply stood, staring in shock.

  "All Might's amazing!" Kaminari yelled out what was going on in the back of everyone's heads.

  "Why was he in such a hurry?" Ojiro asked, confused.

"So cool..." Mineta stared in wonder at the retreating hero.

"Well, we'd best return to the classroom." You shrugged, putting a hand over your mask. It came loose, letting cool air hit your face as you shook your head, letting hair flop around for a second.

"The fact that that Kirishima kid almost beat us is a shame to our pride!" Venom roared at you as you stared blankly down the tunnel.

"Hey, Kirishima..." You called to your previous opponent. He looked over at you as you approached him. You lifted an arm, hand open, to him, almost causing him to flinch from the sudden movement.

"Good fight, man. You had us scared for a while." You told him. He nodded, jamming his hand into yours in a rough shake with a toothy grin.

"You know it, dude! You really taught me a thing or two on pulling my punches!" He remarked. You nodded, a wide grin covering your face.

"Sounds good. I'll see you back at the classroom." You both gave each other one last nod before you turned away, joining the growing group of students heading back for the locker room.

"Oh, hey." You looked down to see Jiro, walking along as if nothing happened.

"Hey. Good fights, huh?" You asked. Jiro shrugged.

"Some were good. You got really close with your time limit though, had some of us on the edge of our seats." She remarked.

"Did we? Huh, good to know we're putting up good fights. I'll see you at the classroom, alright?" You snapped a finger, pointing at her.

"Sure." You watched her veer off to her locker room as you came to a stop at your own.


"Shut up."

"Anyway, why were you congratulating your opponent? You should be more focused on not letting there be a second fight like that." Venom grumbled.

"The only reason the fight was like that was because we were a hypocrite. We could grind half our classmates into paste with one hand and snap the other half in two at the same, but we pulled our punches." You turned your head to look in a nearby full-size mirror, giving yourself a thin smile.

"Fine. Such punches shouldn't be pulled again though."

"They won't so long as they don't have to. This fight was probably more of a gauge." You shrugged, folding your cloak.

Pitch-Black Passion(Kyoka Jiro x Venom Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu