kageyama's funeral

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No one's POV

After hearing a call kageyama's father
Kazuma got furious as he thought that his bastard of a son caused some trouble to the point that his family is needed he drove as fast as he could not breaching the speed limit ofcourse with his daughter to the adress provided in the message.

As soon as kazuma reach the designated place it's already morning and he knock on the door.

immediately the door sprung open reavealin a drench boy.

Hello you must be kageyama's father, I am akaashi.the drench boy said

So akashi what did my brother do for you to be drench did he got into a fight with you don't worry we'll educate him.the raven haired that looks exactly as kageyama said

Akaashi is look at that girl shock thinking that it's kageyama

Ohh i am miwa.the girl said

Soon after akaashi let them in revealing a depressive and full guilt room where all the people there are drench kazuyo and miwa noticed that kageyama isn't there.

Where's kageyama.kazuma ask getting more furious as he overthink the situation cauz there is someone covered in mud thinking that his son cause all the mess there

Semi let them sit and all of them said."he's gone"

what".miwa said not believing what he just heard

He jump off cliff last night around 11 pm.sugawara said

We're sorry it's our fault.they all said synchronized

But this is a letter he left for you.yaku said

We'll call the police for now. Ushijima said

(In call with the police)

110 what's your emergency
(That's the emergency no. In japan)

My friend he jump off
the cliff

What's the location

At xxx district

We'll be right there
don't worry

Kazuma and miwa still can't believe what they just heard.

As yaku handed the letter to them. They muster all of their courage to open the letter although it's visible that while opening the letter they are shaking and tearing up

(The letter)
Dad and sis sorry for being selfish and  leave this world when i have not atoned my sins of causing my mom's death. Just so you know even though what we have gone through i still forgive you cauz i know that it's my fault and pls forgive me for that. I'll always be there for you. I am sorry for being weak so with i'll end this worthless life of mine i hope that this is enough to atone my sins.my death is the only way to ease the pain,your pain and everyone's pain cause i am the source of their pain i hope y'all will be happy once i am gone. Can you please do me a favor and say to my teammates or everyone here that I am do sorry for causing pain to all of you but please continue playing volleyball and fulfill your dreams unlike me i can never fulfill this unreachable dream of mine rember i'll always support you and will always be on your side also the tangerine named hinata you're thank you for giving me a good memory and for playing volleyball with me until my last breathe. Everyone thank you for everything and goodbye.

Soon after the police arrived and began to search for the body while everyone was crying their eyes out saying kageyama forgive me repeatedly

Soon after the police find kageyama's body lifeless

(Just pretend his eyes is close also art is not mine ctto

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(Just pretend his eyes is close also art is not mine ctto.)

He look so peaceful and mesmerizing. Hinata said

Now he's in a better place we're sorry kageyama i didn't even fulfill my role as your father.kazuma said

I am sorry kageyama i should have defended you as you older sister but i did not. Miwa said

If only we can turn back time we would not have done that and love you .they all though while crying

It's always too late for regret now we can just look at him and say can we turn back time and redeem our mistakes i am sorry and i love you my king. Tsukishima said

I am you're senpai yet i didn't even do anything for you yet join them i am a loser.oikawa and suga said

The moment you sing that song i realize that yer the one i truly love i guess i am stupid and got blinded by the light.atsumu said

Soon all of them realize how they hurt him.

(The police concluded it as a suicide seeing kageyama's suicide note and bid them farewell)

Days gone by while guilt is eating them alive they wonder if they're even qualified to play volleyball nor attend kageyama's funeral but kageyama's note saying that as long as you fulfill your dreams i'll be there for you make them gain courage to paly volleyball again

After kageyama's funeral they went home they didn't eat and go to school for about 3 days not even steping out of their room making their parents worried.

They just cried and cried there asking kageyama to forgive them.

Later that night
Kageyama appeard in their dream and hug them

It's alright, it's not your fault, it's my mistake, i will always forgive you don't forget to fulfill your dream, you're getting thinner and thinner eat in that way i'll be happy. Kageyama said smilling slowly fading away

They jolted awake crying and got determine to fulfill their goals for the sake of them and kageyama.

Word count of 904

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