Tap Tap Tap Tap

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Hello everyone as you already know I'm Izuku Midoriya. So to shorten a very repetitive story I'll just say the facts. Didn't get a quirk at 4, was bullied because of it, nearly died a couple times, and I have 2 unfortunate habits. One is to mutter faster than most people can think and the other is to tap or fidget a lot. Little did I know that second habit would make me a lot stronger than anyone else. Let me tell you about that day.

It started off normal, breakfast, punched on the train by some bullies, blasted by Bakugo when I got into the classroom, take notes during the lesson, and then something bad happen. The teacher held up some papers, "Since you guys are about to graduate middle school you need to think about your futures. Who am I kidding? You all want to be heros!!" With that they toss the papers into the air and everyone but Bakugo shows off their quirks.

"Teach, don't lump me with these Extras! They'll be lucky to be sidekicks to D listers!" I groaned as Bakugo yelled that causing a big discussion. It's about how his ego is huge and he's going to UA. The teacher then said I was going to apply to UA as well. Before anyone could laugh I yelled out, "Are you trying to get me killed?!?! I'm doing the support class not the hero class and you blatantly ignored that!" This makes people laugh and calm down but the teacher was furious at me.

After everyone leaves the teacher hits me with his quirk, sending me flying into the wall. As I coughed and struggled to breath he walked over and growled, "Quirkless scum like you need to be eliminated. Lucky for you I don't want to dirty my hands with this or you'd be dead." He walked out and I finally got mad. Over 12 years of abuse from people I use to call my friends, from the teachers, and even some heroes. I am done with this.

As my rage boiled my blood I stood up, collected my stuff, and left the school heading to my job. As I walked to my job I kept tapping my leg. Eventually a kid from my class shoved me causing me to tap where the teachers quirk hit me. When that happened I heard a ding and a +2 appeared in my vision. Honestly I would have ignored it like always if it wasn't a +2.

For the past few months when I tap where I get burned or hit by a quirk a +1 or bigger will appear. I just assumed it was my mind being slightly scrambled and my current addiction to clicker games. But this time the +2 kept happening with each tap. When I looked at my shirt I realized why, his quirk left some residue where I'm tapping. With a smirk I furiously tapped it hoping something would happen as I got to work at the local Library.

My job is to organize all the books, put them away, help people find what they want, and take care of the printers. Whenever I had a hand free it would tap one of the spots there was residue. It dried up as I tapped but it still kept working. When my shift was over I headed home and smirk as I begin to wonder what these numbers mean.

After opening the door and getting my shoes off a bottle flew at my head. Normally it would have been thrown but this one was pulled. Instead of yelling in pain for a shattered bottle I tapped where I was hit removing the glass shards from my fluffy hair. "You're late you waste of space. Make me my supper or I'll make another bottle hit you." I nodded and made my mom something to eat. Once I gave her the plate of food I ate an apple and headed to my room.

In my room I packed up my very few possessions I had left. One All Might figurine, 4 uniforms, and a few miscellaneous shirts, shorts, and pants, and a handful of socks and underwear. With it all packed I jumped out the window and headed off to a nearby quirkless shelter. I knew it wouldn't be the best but it would be better than getting abused every day.

As I ran down the streets I accidentally ran into a homeless dude with a giant scarf. I helped him up and apologized before I got back to running. Barely even got a couple steps away before he grabbed me with his scarf and dragged me back. When I looked at the dudes face I recognized him, Eraser Head. "Why are you out so late kid? Shouldn't you be at home?" I shook my head and told him I was living at the shelter.

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