The fight.

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third person pov

It's been an estimated 2 months since the appearance of Gregory in the Afton residence, and Evan has grown tired of Gregory. Your name began sharing a bed with Gregory, to soothe him the way she used to Evan. Evan became envious, so envious that he would appear in your names room at night and beg her to comfort him. It was quite creepy, and your name was uncomfortable. Mr. Afton warned Evan not to treat her that way, but Evan of course didn't listen. He just got sneakier about it. On this day, Gregory had awoken early, planning to meet Mr. Afton in his workshop to work on his project. Gregory was in the kitchen, brewing himself coffee, when Evan stumbled down the hall. Your name wasn't awake yet, so Gregory assumed he was only awake for breakfast. That was until Evan invaded his space. "Do you need anything?" Gregory asked, trying to be as kind as possible. He was mildly afraid, though he wouldn't admit that. Evan only mumbled, but his words were clear. "She doesn't love you." He had said, his voice scathed out of his throat, like he hadn't slept for days. Gregory backed away slowly, if he had to use his fighting skills he had been taught now would be the time. "What?" Gregory blurted out. "Your name. You know she doesn't care for you, she never will. She loves me." Evans voice got low, and he clenched his fists. Gregory laughed a little bit, though he knew it wasn't smart. "Well, if she loves you then whys she always on my-" Gregory was cut off by Evan throwing a punch. He took it, but then threw a kid directed for Evans leg, missing and hitting his member. Evan groaned, out of anger he clawed at Gregorys arm, leaving a deep scratch. After this continued, and Evan was somehow losing, your name began to stir.

your name pov

I woke up, at first in my usual tired haze. It didn't last when I heard shouting, loudly. I shot up, completely awake, eyes wide, and listened. Obviously, due to my past in game, I was good at being quiet and paying attention. It was very muffled, but I managed to hear Evan downstairs. "You piece of shit! You took her away from me!" Evan shouted. "Sure did, but I don't think with my dick!" Gregory shouted back, laughing.

TW (Wounds/Gore kinda ig)

I was quite scared. I began to pack my bag, shoving everything I could into it, clothes, knife, accessories, phone. But first I had to go make sure they were safe, even though I knew they wouldn't be. I wondered why Mr. Afton didn't intervene. Oh yeah, work. I opened the door ever so slightly, and began to shuffle my way down the stairs. I saw Evan looming over Gregory, who had a nose bleed. Some of his scars had been torn open, his dark red fresh blood staining his clothes and skin. He was coughing up blood, the oozing red liquid dripping down his body.

"She's mine."

I looked at Evan, in disgust. He didn't own me, nobody did. I ran over to him, turning him around. I grabbed my knife out of my pocket and put it to his side.

TW over for now

"Nobody owns me, got that? Oh when Mr. Afton finds out about the way you've been treating everyone, I can't wait." I stammered. I looked over at Gregory, who was obviously unconscious. Yes, he was strong. But Evan was as strong as strong could be. He looked me up and down and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me into an unwanted hug. "Let me go!!!" I shouted, pushing him away. His face was tear-stained now. I didn't care. I put my knife down and hit him as hard as I could. I watched him fully leave the house, limping from the small stab wound, before I ran to Gregory.

third person pov

As your name sat herself down by Gregory, he began to wake up, horrified. Tears fell down his bloody face. Your name gently wiped his tears away, and kissed him gently. He was shaken, but she calmed him down. "I'm so sorry. You're safe with me." Your name whispered. Gregory just leaned into her touch, and they sat in silence for a little while, enjoying each others comfort. Finally, your name got Gregory to the bathroom to clean him up. He sat on the edge of the shower and she was standing at the sink getting a wet rag. Your name got the supplies she needed and sat down on the floor in front of Gregory to start to tend to his wounds.

TW ( heavier gore/wounds )

Your name looked at his face first, wiping the blood off of his nose. He didn't really go against anything. She moved to a non bloody spot on the rag and wiped down his face completely, showing deeper scars and scratches. "Damn, he really hurt you.. I'm so sorry." Your name said, looking embarrassed, almost hurt by it all. She felt guilty. Where Gregory's bandaid had been, the one on his face, there was a very big scar. Your name very desperately wanted to know how it happened, but she didn't ask. She just put some medicine on some of the wounds and moved down to Gregory's arm. She found a very deep gash, and almost threw up. The flesh was barren and cut. "Oh my god.. Okay, it's fine, we're fine." Your name mumbled. She grabbed some bandage and medicine, applying it. Gregory started to shuffle in pain, causing your name to feel guilty. But it was for the best. "I know it's stings, but it'll help you. It's okay." She told him, hoping to comfort him. She waited for it to apply, and then she slowly wrapped bandage around his arm.

gregory pov

I was looking at the ceiling, trying my best to stay calm. Even if I had gotten hurt, I did major if not worse damage to Evan. I looked down, and saw your name starring at me. Her innocent eyes, I felt awful for bringing this upon her. I knew this wasn't her fault, or mine, it wasn't anyones fault. But I just wanted her to feel safe, and right now I knew she didn't feel safe.

third person pov

Your name blushed a little at the sight of Gregory starting back at her, she looked down and continued to wrap him up. It was hard to ignore how strong he was, it was shocking how bruised up he got. But your name was certain he did some damage too. Once she was finished, she brought him to the couch to relax, and sat down in the kitchen. She had a knife at her side, she was ready for someone to get home. They were just relaxing when a knock was heard at the door.

It was time.

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