welcome to our future.

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gregory pov, dreaming

I was hounded. Monty was at one side of my, Roxy at the other. Vanny was in front of my, walking towards me. Trembling, I turn around to run, but Chica stands behind me. All I did was stare, tears beginning to stream down my face. I was giving into my inevitable fate, hoping to go down as a hero.

gregory pov, awake

My eyes shot open, hot tears were streaming down my face. I was sitting up straight, in a pool of my own disgust and sweat. My eyes held themselves open, though I was running off of 2 hours of sleeep. I look over to my nightstand, seeing my fazwatcj glow in the dim light, which was radiating from my window. I leaned over, opening to fazwatch and checking my messages.

< 48 texts from "your.name.suksss" >

your.name.suksss: Hey do you wanna come hangout with me and some friends? It'll be funnn 🤠

Y/Nthecutie : answer me dammit 😡😡‼️🫵

< many more spams>

'Seriously.' Was the only word that came to mind. I wanted to spend time with her and her friends, I hadn't left the house at all yet and I wanted to. So, I threw on a navy blue hoodie, and some sort of baggy jeans. Finally, I checked my phone instead of my watch. I was met with texts from your name.

< 15 missed texts from yourname🤍💍 >

'Since when did I have your names number," I said, beginning to sort through the messages. However, I was interrupted by your name witerally pounding her fists on my door. "Gregory are you coming with- ow that hurt!! - are you coming with my or not?!" She yelled. She was a gremlin, and I was tired, but I didn't care enough to be upset. "I'm coming idiot, let me get my shit together first." I said, and began grabbing my things —his phone, its charger, a pocket knife, and hand sanitizer.— when your name yelled again, "Hows getting your shit together going? Because I know it's taking me forever!" She called to me, and I laughed as I walked out my room. "Very funny, your name." She was beaming with joy as she saw my face, which made my heart swell, but only a little. She grabbed my hand, which made it swell maybe a little bit more. This girl had me mesmerized, and I barely knew her. She grabbed out car keys and pulled us out the door. I saw 'our' car keys because we shared a car, since I didn't exactly have one for obvious reasons. We dropped each others hands, each going to our side of the car. I was in the passenger, and she was in the drivers side. I would've listened when your name began speaking, but I suddenly was taken aback by the nature. It was so lively and colorful, so beautiful and free. It was something I hadn't even glanced at in so, so long. The sun, the greenery,even the air, though I couldn't see it, was beautiful. I suddenly felt someone gently touch my hand, and I could hear your names soft voice call out for me. I felt bad for not responding prior, so I tried to clear my voice and respond. "I'm fine, what's wrong?" I said, my voice still sounding hoarse due to me still being in awe. "I asked if you wanted to go to the park or the mall, since my friend is indecisive. " Your name said, rubbing my hand with her thumb. It brought me out of my trance, and into another. One where I was under her spell. "The park sounds fun." I said, looking into her pretty eyes. I desperately needed a reminder I wasn't dreaming. Or coffee.

your name pov

I looked to Gregory, who wasn't fully aware, and it was obvious. I assumed he needed some time to adjust, so I let go of his hand, and began driving. I adored driving, it brought me a sense of reality back, reminding me I wasn't in a game anymore, but a real life, with an important future. As I drove, the sun shined in all its familiar places of beauty, leaving light in once cloudy places. As I arrived at my friends house, I looked over to Gregory, now scrolling on his phone. I wasn't sure of how he got his phone, but that's a question you typically don't ask. My friend got into the car and immediately began talking, addressing Gregory from the start. He didn't really respond, just acknowledged her with a smile and wave. I started the car and began driving again, but at a slower pace than before. The sun was making its way to the middle of the sky, like a star navigating through space. As me and my friend talked, I felt a hand rest on my leg. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach, as I was sensitive. I kept my eyes on the road, knowing the last thing I wanted was to kill myself in that moment. A million thought suddenly suffocated my tainted mind. 'Should I say something? Of course not I'll look stupid, but what if my friend says something, or is uncomfortable? I'm not uncomfortable. Why am I comfortable?' My brain could go on for hours, but I decided to just give it a rest, and focus on the park.

AN : okay if you know this is an edit of the book bcuz im going through and editing it and OMG this chapter used to be so cringe ew why did y'all read this 💀😭

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