The park.

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third person pov, park

Now pulled into the parking spot, your name gently opened her car door and stepped out. The sun was bright as always, and annoyingly hot. Your name could tell because she felt the heat against her back.  Your names friend got out as well and opened her phone, checking the time. The drive had been a little longer than expected. Your name looked to make sure Gregory was still with them, and to no surprise he'd ran off into the endless possibilities of the park. However, when you have experience navigating a whole ass pizzaplex, a park isn't too bad. Your name and her friend began to walk down the sidewalk, scanning over the greenery for a brief moment. Your name assumed Gregory was doing the same, just for a much more prolonged period of time. There was a strange silence between the friends, and your names friend broke it. "Your name, be so real with my right now. You have feelings for that boy you've never told me about. I don't even know this name!!" they said, confident in their words. "You're crazy, I don't get feelings that easy boo." She said, though her best friend knew better, your name got feeling way easier than that. "Don't play with me girl I know already, now tell me about this boy." Your names friend said, causing your name to nervously laugh. She really didn't want to admit that she sort of did like him, but she really did, and not sort of either. She began talking about the things she could be honest about. His name, their interactions, his pretty eyes. "Mr. Afton grew fond of him, let him stay, he's been with us for maybe, a day." Your name said, confidently. What people saw on the outside was that your name was unofficially adopted by Mr.Afton, and legally hasn't been associated with anything, since she doesn't have a birth certificate of her own anymore. Upon her being adopted, rumor spread that Evan was his biological son, and to your name's knowledge it wasn't true. Mr.Afton didn't lie, ever. "Okay but how'd you find him? I know he didn't just pop up through a portal." Your names friend said, laughing. Your name continued the story, twisting it perfectly.

gregory pov

As the car came to a stop, I opened my car door, jumping out of the car. Without thought, I ran to the park. I wanted to take in every little detail of the real world before I was asleep, wondering if one day I'd be sent back. I ran until my lungs stung, the air rushing past my face to quick to take it in. Stopping to actually breathe, I stood still, taking things in a bit slower. In the near distance, there was a bench, placed with a tree behind it. The orange leaves from last winter were scarcely there, the ones that remained were scattered. The green atop the tree was making good ground on the pretty leaves, recovering from its red and brown scars. I sat at the bench, looking over the park, which was full of life. There was a man, a good few years older than me, walking his dog. The dog, a dark ginger, with fluffy dirty fur, was running around quick, pulling the owner with him. I guess that makes it more of a jog than a walk. I was almost as happy as that dog, freely running. Funny how complicated ass humans can compare their common lives to something considered a lower life form than them. I looked to my far right, and see your name and your friends name. I was unaware of their conversation, as I couldn't really hear. That was mainly because I was morr focussed on how beautiful your name looked. The sun glowing in her eyes, and her smile made the world a little brighter. The way her hair was so free, even if it was messy, it made her look beautiful. I wish I could gaze at her beauty without disturbing others, or even her. I finally tuned the conversation back in, and what I heard made my heart skip a second.

"Something about the guy, he always said 'way to go superstar!'"

"Oh my god you're his superstar, that's so cute!!"

"Shut upp!"

' You're my superstar, sweetheart 'Where stories live. Discover now