The Aftermath

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TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ [This chapter contains themes of Self-harm. if you are struggling with this, I recommend you to skip the parts containing it. Thank you.]

(Reader's POV)

Tap tap tap tap tap tap

I was currently in one of the four libraries of this fine institution. Working on Calculus homework, after about an hour and a half of cramming. I got bored. I look up to see everyone conversing with one an other. Sighing, I get up, gather the rest of my items, and leave. 

These halls are gigantic, oddly enough they remind me of backwards dreams I have. Just how large they are, makes me feel like I'm not even real. 

These hallways are so large that they're about the size of my apartment or more realistically, my Uncle's apartment. All of this free space, it makes me a little anxious and I can't help but wonder,  where I'll end up.

 I some how find myself walking towards the abandoned music room 3.

(3rd POV)

Y/n was standing right in front of the grand white doors with gold accents for seconds that turned into minutes, in her mind at least. Finally deciding to grow a pair of boobs, she grips the door handles and pushes. 

Her eyes are met with a group of people standing around a decorated cream table. 

'What is that? Is this a thing rich people do?' 

She walks over to said table and find 4 girls with cups in their hands.  

"I'm a little scared to drink this stuff..."

"I'm afraid if I drink this, my father will yell at me." A brown haired timid girl says hesitate look written on her face. Suddenly, Tall Blondie comes holding her cheek mere inches away from her face. 

"What if I let you drink it from my mouth?" He asks in a soft, 'supple' tone. Instant colour is brought to the young lady's face.

"Well, then I would drink it." She softly replied, leg way up in the air like some cheesy romance movie. All the girls surrounding them scream, their eyes being replaced with large pink hearts. 

"This is ridiculous."

"This is ridiculous."

Two brown haired 'lads' think to themselves. [Name] walks over to one of the girls holding a cup and drink from it, capturing the attention of her surroundings. After having a long gulp, she looks up and is met with 10 pairs of eyes starring at her. 

"What? I haven't had my coffee yet.." She says with a blank look on her face. She walks away from that mess and towards her cousin whom also walked away. They find themselves standing in front of some grand entrance, looking at everyone. Their eyes are drawn to the Small Blonde who just woke up from a nap.

"Is this what people do at this elite academy?" [Name] asks the only person she can tolerate in this god forsaken school. From the darkness which he comes from, Kyoya, comes up to explain some facts about the matter.

"Honey- senpai may seem young and childish, but he's a prodigy. And then Mori- senpai's allure  is his strong and silent disposition.  Not bothering to look at either of us, he continues to stare off into the direction of aforementioned Honey and Mori senpai.

"Um..." Not knowing what to say, Haruhi only mutters that, while [Name] stays silent knowing if she opened her mouth, she'd regret it. 

"Haru- chan!" a yellow ball of fluff throws himself at Haruhi, twirling her around, making her dizzy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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