23 - My Dream

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it was 3 am. i didn't get much sleep that night, i was too excited... and scared to see him again. what if he looked different? and he was weak and nimble? i suppose that doesn't really matter at a time like this, but i was scared for him. for everyone, i know it was hard for Sapnap and Karl too.. i just wanted My Dream back.

i got all of my bags and said goodbyes to my house, i left my dog to my mom, knowing she would take good care of her. i was going to miss everyone in this country, but i was excited for the new and hopefully better memories in a new one. and i was excited to finally be with my Dream.

i didn't tell wilbur when i was leaving, so my absence would be confusing to him, but he deserved it. and he didn't deserve happiness.

i had a goal when i walked out of that door and that goal was to move to florida and never look back.

i walked straight past Wilbur's room and down the last flight of stairs. i said one last goodbye to the place as i stepped out side. i wouldnt come back. was this the right choice? yes.

dream was in trouble. and i let it happen.  i needed to be there for him, and might as well move now instead of coming back for no reason.

i boarded the plane. the ride would be around 11 hours this time, not too bad. i was nervous, shaky. there was two other people in my row, so it wasn't as nice as last time, but at least it was quicker.

hours past, i was having a full mental breakdown in public. i was so scared that dream wouldn't wake up, or remember me. all i wanted was what we had before i left florida. i wanted to see his beautiful eyes, not dilated, but the big green bright ones that i remember. 

i wiped the tears off of my cheek as they fell, trying to avoid peoples attention. it was hard to not make sound when you cried, i had known that, though.

20 minutes until we landed, everyone was a little scared for the landing as the flight attendants said we have to land at a different airports pad, but that was okay. i pulled out my phone and ordered my uber to the hospital.

once we landed i held on to the latch on the roof, so i wouldn't bounce around as much. the dispatcher announced that we have successfully landed safely, some people clapped and even yelled in happiness, but i couldn't. my throat was dry from being as silent as i could when crying. my cheeks were dry and my eyes were red. definitely noticeable, but that didn't matter.

i exited the plane and immediately saw my uber.

i entered the tinted glass Subaru and told the man where i wanted to go. i only got quick glimpses at him but he looked familiar.

"sorry to keep you waiting-" i said throwing my stuff in the backseat.

"it's fine. where do you need to go?"

"uhm, the orlando hospital, please. i'll pay as much as i need to to get there, but please, make it quick."i studied his face a bit more, maybe he wasn't as familiar as i thought...

"we're here,"

"okay, great. thank you, oh uhm, how much is it?" i stuttered, i had social anxiety and i was shaken up from the idea of my dream possibly being gone, i didn't want to think about that right now but i couldn't shoo the thoughts from my head.

i checked into the hospital and asked where Clay was staying, they said he was accepting visitors and immediately told me his room number.

they gave me a key, the room number engraved into it.

404, on the fourth floor. i immediately made my way to the elevator and walked in, i kept all my luggage and stuff in the office so i didn't have to carry it all the way up with me. thank god for the office workers. i think their name tags said something like 'bad halo' and 'skeep' or something? odd names, but i shook it off.

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