12 - 1 Day

14 1 0

I didn't go to sleep much that night. I was thinking about George. About in just less than 24 hours, George would be together with me at last. He belonged here. A missing piece in my heart was waiting for George. I left the opposite side of my bed empty for George, just in case he wanted to sleep in my room when he visited and didn't want to be alone. Oh stop telling yourself these stupid things boy, he'll never like you. He doesn't even want to see you, you forced him here you did. You forced him to come.

Dream felt sick, maybe the voices in his head were right. Had he forced his friend to come all this way just to see him?

No no no no no. You did nothing wrong. He wants to come and be with you. Everything will be okay.

The mixed emotions got Dream overwhelmed. He didn't know what to believe.

He cried himself to sleep that night, worried about the voices in his head.

When he woke up it was only 5 am. Why can't I just sleep in for once? Dream was still excited. It was the last full day until George was here, beside Dream.

Dream tried his hardest to fall asleep again, but failed. He picked up his phone and pressed on George's contact, quickly hitting the call button.

Without hesitation, George answered and greeted his friend.

"Hey!! Why are you up so early? Isn't it like six there?"

"Yeah it's five, but I couldn't fall back asleep"

"Why? Are you too excited that I'm coming to see you soon?" George smiled.

"Yes actually. And I was wondering-"

"About?" George interrupted.

"Do you actually even want to come?" Dream said, rubbing his newly awoken eyes.

"What? Of course I do! Why would I not, Clay. I can't wait to finally see you."

Dream smiles, realizing that George can't see his face so he decides to speak up.

"I can't wait to see you too Georgie. What time does your plane take off?"

"Well I have to go to the airport probably around seven your time"

"Oh damn. Well I wish you a good flight and make sure you have everything. And I forgot to ask. How long are you staying?"

George slightly chuckles "I'm staying for about two to three ish weeks, is that alright?"

2-3 whole weeks?!!! Damn. I'm definitely losing this bet.

"Yes!! Of course it's okay! I mean- yeah. That's cool"

George giggles as he continues, "are you sure your friends won't mind?"

"George, their so excited to meet you. I think we're all going to get along,"

George smiles in response, his cheeks glowing a bright pink color. Damn he's cute.

A soft voice is heard out side of Dreams bedroom door. He unplugs his phone, taking it with him as he gets up and opens his bedroom door to see who was out side. He sees Karl and Sapnap in towels hugging their lower half. He gasps, realizing they could've possibly heard and quietly but quickly shuts his door. He ran back to his bed and hid under the covers once again.

"What was that all about?" He heard the British man say from the phone next to him.

"O- I- nothing"

The two stayed on the phone with each other for the rest of the day, Karl and Sapnap made a few appearances too.

"Hey I think I'm gonna head to the airport now" George said, looking anxiously into the camera.

"Already? It's only 6:26."

"Yeah. The airport is a little bit away"

"Oh, Okay well have a safe flight. Text me as soon as you land."

"I will big boy" George says smiling into the camera, staring into Dreams eyes.

Dream smiles back into the camera as the call ended.

*george pov*

It was dark out, I looked out of the window, saying my last good byes to the cold night air. I was going to miss the UK. I was going to miss waking up every morning to my dog licking my face. I was going to miss the wonderful people that I met and have been hanging out with ever since high school, George. Your going there to visit. That's it. Your not 'moving there' or anything. It's just to visit. Stop thinking like that.

I went and sat on my couch, waiting for my Uber to text me that he had pulled up, I didn't want to wait in the rain.

I was nervous. My mind struggling to think positive. Did Clay actually want to see me? Did his friends even like me? Would he think I'm annoying and bad to be around?


I looked down to my phone, lighting up a bright white. I got a text from my Uber.

Just pulled up
Don't be too long, heard the lines were bad

I nod, realizing he can't see me. I quickly grab all of my things and get off the couch. Spinning around, back facing towards the door to see if there was anything I was missing. I dropped my dog off at my mums house to babysit him. I was going to miss him. I was going to miss everything.

I walked out of the door, struggling to shut it and lock it behind me.

Once I got into the Uber we immediately began driving to the airport. The flight would be about 10 hours, long and boring.

After about 2 hours waiting in the airport, I finally boarded the plane. There wasn't too many people on the ride, so it wasn't going to be horrible.

I got a whole row to myself, room to relax and lounge around with privacy. This was nice, I didn't have to worry about anything. Until,

He doesn't want to see you... he hates you George.

*authors pov*

The thoughts made George tear up, surely he couldn't cry in public. He would look weak, and people would stare. He didn't want that.

The thoughts drove George crazy. He quickly jumped out of his seat and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him.

He looked himself in the Cheap bathroom mirror in front of him.

"Does he even want to see me?"

End of Chapter

1k+ words

(A-N: uh idk how i feel bout this)

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