Their trust

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Vi and ro went out of the balcony.
"Mahi bhai how are you feeling?" Vi asked.
"Better" mahi said.
"But bhai you should take some more rest, you just slept for like ten to fifteen minutes."
"No i am okay" mahi said but ro and vi realized that he was not due to his voice.

"Bhai is everything alright?" Vi asked.
"Yes it is" mahi answered.
"Are you sure,?" Ro asked again.
"Yes everything is alright" mahi repeated.
Vi was about to ask again but ro looked at him and shook his head. "I have an idea" he then said. "i will call the team and we will play video games together, the whole evening."

Vi stared at him as he knew that asking the whole team to come together at this time was a dangerous thing but ro just blinked, trying to reassure him.
"That sounds good" mahi said.
"Yeah so let's go virat and bhai we will come in ten minutes with the whole team together." Ro said and he and vi went out.

Mahi felt happy that at least now virat and rohit were talking to each other. On one side he was hating whoever spread this fake rumours but on the other, he was feeling greatful towards that person.

Once vi and ro went out of the room, vi asked in a low voice "what did you do? What will happen if someone will fight with the other, mahi bhai will be so upset."
"Of course they won't virat, especially if we tell them that we have to do this to make mahi bhai happy. They all also love him and they won't want to make him upset, okay? And i did it for one more reason. He was sounding sad and worried and that can be only related to this match fixing, so if everyone of us get together and play games, it will help to distract his mind."

"Huh, makes sense" virat had to begrudgingly agree.
"I know i always make sense unlike some people " ro said in a teasing voice.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves and let's go, okay? We said that we will be there in ten minutes."
Ro nodded and they both went to different rooms to ask everyone to gather in mahi bhai's room.

Vi and ro went to everyone and told them what they were doing and why and everyone agreed to play with each other harmoniously as they wanted to see their elder brother happy.

Everyone quickly came in mahi's room and decided a game after a small fight between harry and Rishabh which Rishabh won as he was supported by everyone, which was counted unfair by harry and he decided that now he gets to sit beside mahi bhai and no one will remove him.
Many sat on the chairs and sofa and some sat on the ground.
After a lot of discussion, four teams of four members each was made where two-two teams would play against each other and the winner from both the sides would then play against each other.
Team A was: mahi, harry, ishan and rahul.
Team B was: virat, jaddu, shikhar and rohit
Team C was: yuzi, Mohammed, kul and Mayank
Team D was: jassi, Bhuvi, ash and Rishabh.

The first game was of B and C and the second was of A and D.
The video game started with equal competition. No one was being able to beat the other. One time b had more points and other times C. After a fifteen minutes of fierce competition, team B came out as the winner. "I knew it" virat shouted happily. Because be it a cricket match or video game, he was always eager to win.
"Now it's our turn" harry said eagerly.
Now it was team A vs team D.
In the beginning there was a little competition, but till end it was easy to know that A team was going to win. And the game finished in ten minutes with team a winning.
"We will defeat you" Harry told vi smirking.
"Yeah, we will see." Vi said.

In ten minutes after team B and team A had made secret plans, it was the time for the final round.
Team a vs team b.
And the game started.

On the other side, Ayush now decided to go and check on the team as everyone must have gotten the news till now. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of what dhoni would be going through and so would the others. Already the social media was exploding with everyone asking Dhoni to be banned and saying that he was a traitor.

Ayush went out of the room and as he went little further, he noticed that mahi's door was open and lots of voice were coming from inside. He went near it and peeked a little and to his horror, he saw that everyone in the team had come in Dhoni's room and they were all playing video game. And if he didn't know better he would think that there was no fight going on between them and the news of the match fixing hadn't broken out. Ayush decided to go quickly to his room and tell others about this.

Bhuvi watched happily as everyone were playing, fighting to win. Just then he noticed that someone was standing outside their door and then he realized it was Ayush. For some reason he hadn't come inside, so he stood up up quickly and told everyone that he's coming in five minutes and went out.

"Ayush" he called out as he saw Ayush quickly going to his room. Ayush stopped and turned around.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Why didn't you come inside?"
"I didn't want to disturb you all" Ayush lied "but by the way i have a question."
"Yes?" Bhuvi asked.
"You all know what has happened right? The allegations on mahi bhai?"

Bhuvi nodded.
"So everyone looks happy?" Ayush asked confused.
"Because we all know that it's just some misunderstanding or someone's trap. More likely the second option. We all believe him. But you also believe him right?"

"Yeah, yeah of course." Ayush answered.
"We just want him to stay happy and not think about this nonsense. Anyways come inside let's play."
"No, no you all play i just remembered an important work i have to do. But thanks for the invitation."
"No problem" Bhuvi said smiling "if you want to come, then you are always invited" he added and went away.

While Ayush went to his room quickly, horrified that the team is trusting mahi so much.

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