The Future

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You watched as Arthur brought his cupped hand up to his mouth as he held the lighter in his hand. He lit the cigarette that was held between his lips and stuck the lighter back in his jacket pocket. "Whatcha think about heading to Saint Denis?" Smoke rose from the cigarette as Arthur spoke with it still hanging in his mouth.

"Why Saint Denis?" You rested your head on his shoulder, inhaling most of the smoke that came from his cigarette. "I don't know. Maybe rent a nice room at the saloon. Get outta this camp." Arthur pulled the cigarette from his mouth, tapping it as the ashes fell to the ground.

"That'd be nice, but you think Dutch would be ok with that?" You picked your head up from off his shoulder and looked around for the man. "He'll be fine with it." Arthur took one last puff of the cigarette, before dropping it to the ground and smashing it out with his foot.

"Let's get going." Arthur held out his hand, helping you up from the ground. He held your hand as he led you towards the horses. "Let's just take mine." Arthur grabbed onto the reins of his horse as you hopped up onto the back of the horse.

Arthur hoisted himself up on the horse in front of you. You wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head on the center of his back as he slowly made his way out of the camp. "It shouldn't be too long." Arthur said as you made it through the thick of the woods.

You kept yourself turned so that you could see the terrain as you passed by. It felt nice to be out of the camp for some other reason than robbing or supply runs. Luckily, it wasn't too hot out either. There was a nice breeze as you chased through the plains towards Saint Denis.


The trip wasn't long at all. It wasn't long before you started to see the lights from the vibrant town. Arthur began to slow down as you got closer to the buildings and the path changed to a stone road.

"There's a saloon somewhere down the street that has nice hotel rooms. I reckon we could rent one of those for the night." Arthur pointed down the street that was just ahead of you. You slowly made your way through the town, looking at every person and building that passed by.

You tilted your head up to look at the signs that hung over the streets. Sure enough, there was a saloon right at the corner of the street. "Madam." Arthur hopped off the horse, holding his hand out for you as you stepped down onto the sidewalk.

"Be yourself Arthur, no need to be so polite." You nudged him as he took his hand in yours and headed into the saloon. "Just let me be nice." Arthur opened the doors to the saloon and let go of your hand. "I'll go and rent us a room. You just stay here." He kissed your cheek and headed towards the bar.

You waited patiently as he leaned over to the bar and spoke to the young man behind the counter. It was a brief conversation and Arthur turned around to give you a small smirk. He made his way towards you, holding out his arm as you grabbed onto his upper arm, allowing him to guide you towards the stairs of the saloon.

"Let's go and get ourselves to the room." Arthur led you up the stairs and to the second floor that was lined with doors. There were a couple of women hanging around, obviously looking for some sort of business.

You didn't pay attention to them as Arthur led you to a door in the middle of the hallway. Room number 4. Arthur opened the door to the room, allowing you to be the first one in. It was quite a large room for a saloon. The bed was big and had a large, fluffy comforter decorated with burgundy and gold floral designs.

Your lips curled into a large smile as you ran your hands over the bed sheets, feeling how soft they were. You looked around the room, at the dresser and desk, as well as the small table that was lined with alcohol.

Arthur made his way towards the alcohol, opening the first bottle he could get his hands on. He filled two empty glasses and screwed the lid back on. "Here." Arthur handed you one of the glasses as he sat on the bed next to you. "It certainly feels nice to be alone." You sipped on the alcohol, the sweet taste contrasting with the burn that came.

"There ain't much privacy back at camp." Arthur quickly finished off his drink and set the empty glass to the side. He scooted himself onto the bed and rested his head on one of the many pillows. You downed your drink and placed your glass next to his.

Arthur placed his hand on your hip as you crawled into the bed with him. You laid your head on his chest, focusing on the sound of his heart beating as his arms wrapped around you. "I haven't had this in a long time." Arthur whispered in your ear as he rested his chin on the top of your head.

"I ain't never had this." You snuggled deeper into his chest. "You ever think about after the gang? After all this outlaw stuff?" You lifted your head up to look at Arthur. He was obviously taken aback by the question, but his face relaxed as he looked at you.

"There ain't much for me other than this life." His hand ran through your hair, carefully twirling the small strands around his fingers. "You really don't think so? I mean, do you really wanna be running for your whole life?" You rested your chin on the center of his chest as you looked up at him.

"This has been my whole life. What? You gotta plan?" He dropped your hair and his hands rested on your back. "I don't know. I just know I don't wanna be running for my whole life. I already had the experience of being a bounty hunter." You let out a heavy breath as you thought back to the past.

"Maybe I'll have kids or something. Be what any typical woman would be. Own a farm. Something where I can die peacefully." You shrugged your shoulders and Arthur's face softened as he stared down at you. "You really see yourself doing that?" Arthur's fingers traced circles on your back, soothing you as you laid your head back down on his chest.

"I guess. I've always wanted to have a family. Not be alone forever." You could feel Arthur's grip on you tighten. "You ain't alone. You got me, the gang." Arthur pressed a kiss to the top of your head and relaxed in bed.

"You know what this life entails. It's not always guaranteed we're gonna make it to have that peaceful life. I don't wanna die from a bullet to my head or some insane torture." You lifted yourself up off of Arthur and crashed down next to him.

"You know I ain't gonna let that happen and if I go before you, John's got your back." Arthur turned on his side to face you. You just nodded your head and nuzzled yourself into his body. "Now stop talking like that. Enjoy right now. I'm here right now, darling."

Venom (Arthur Morgan x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now