No more

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Trixie went to the airport with Katya to give her a final hug and kiss before she flew back to LA. She had done less than half of the tour and even though she loved performing she couldn't wait to go back to a less hectic life. On the first week of August Trixie did her last show, and on the way back home the only thing on her mind was Katya. She had missed her so much, she would cherish the time they had together even more now. The tour bus stopped in the suburbs and Trixie jumped out to run to Katya who would drive them home. She almost made her fall down, engulfing Katya in her blonde hair. They kissed and hugged properly before saying goodbye to the band and leaving.

Katya took time off work until the end of summer because they had to make up for lost time. The older woman offered a bunch of gifts to Trixie, and they spent the rest of the day on top of each other planning their vacation. They settled on a nice villa in Hawaii where they would stay, just the two of them. It would be Trixie's first time leaving the American continent.

These 2 weeks were the laziest both women had ever been. They woke up when they felt like it, swam in the pool or the ocean, tanned on the fine white sand and asked the cooks to make them whatever food they wanted to eat. Trixie felt so relieved that things had worked out for her. She was tasting wealth and fame after all the hardships life threw at her and she was proud of herself. Katya was too, she kept reminding Trixie that this was all thanks to her hard work and talent. They were still in Hawaii for Trixie's 22nd birthday, and Katya got her a new pink and really expensive guitar. Trixie thought that nothing could be better than this, she was loved rich famous and achieving her dreams.

When the holidays ended Trixie started writing again. She was less in the studio and preferred to have some time alone at home while Katya worked with her other artists. The older woman was currently organizing the promoting of Veronica's album and they were choosing which pictures were the best from the shoot she did a few days ago. Katya was really not getting along with Veronica. She always found something to argue about and had the bratty attitude of a 5-year-old child. Katya knew that she was bitter and jealous because Trixie was all that she could never be. She was Katya's girlfriend and her career was thriving, whereas Veronica could only get Katya to fuck her once or twice in the past and she was still a semi-famous local singer after 5 years in the business.

"This photographer is terrible I never want to work with him again." Veronica said.
"You haven't even seen all the pictures yet. He sent me the first draft but he needs to edit them. I'll give them all to you after and you'll chose whichever you want." Katya sighed rubbing her temples.
"I want to see them now. If they're too bad I'll do another shoot tomorrow so we don't waste more time."
Katya knew there was no way she could say no to Veronica if she didn't want to get into another bickering. So she unlocked her phone and gave it to the tall girl.

Katya looked back to her laptop and checked some emails to pass the time. A few minutes later Veronica handed her her phone back.

"I'm gonna go home now. See you" She said closing the door. Katya only nodded and looked at the clock. It was 5 pm but it felt like she had been working with Veronica for 10 hours. Katya wanted to see Trixie and call it a day, but she had to give her other artists as much attention as she did to Trixie. She decided to make a compromise and call her girl to see how she was doing before getting back to work. However when she took her phone she was surprised to see tons of Tweeter notifications. She frowned and opened the app, immediate horror creeping on her face. With already thousands of likes, shares and comments, there was a short sextape of Trixie that Katya took published on her account. Without thinking twice she deleted it. Her second thought was to go kill Veronica, because of course she was the one who did that. However she needed to see Trixie, to explain everything before things got out of control. Katya rushed out of the studio and sped down to her apartment. She opened the front door and Trixie was standing in the middle of the living room, a blank expression on her face while she looked at her phone. Katya knew people would surely screen-record the video and repost it everywhere.

"Baby please sit down. I didn't post it Veronica did, we'll sue her. We will work this out" Katya said walking towards her girlfriend.
"Don't fucking come near me. You've ruined everything." Trixie said in a scared voice while backing away.
"Trix I can't imagine how you must feel but let me be here for you. It's not the end even if it seems like it I promise"
"You have no way of knowing. I can throw my entire career and life in the trash because of you" Trixie replied stepping to her room and locking the door. Katya was dumbfounded, she expected all kinds of reactions but not this one. She knocked on Trixie's door every hour for the entire evening, and got no response.

"It's 3 am I'm going to sleep baby. Know that I love you, I understand that you're mad and that you need time to process everything. I'm always here for you. Please talk to me tomorrow, when you're ready. I love you Trix. Good night" Katya said defeated. She was so scared of losing Trixie, and the situation was so unfair. She slid under the covers and her bed felt so empty, so cold. Katya cried until her body gave up and she fell asleep.

Katya woke up around 9 am the next day. She sat up in bed and sighed, not wanting to face her problems. After brushing her teeth and dressing up she went to Trixie's room. She knocked on the half opened door and pushed it open when nobody answered. Katya felt like she got hit by a truck. The air was knocked out of her lungs as she looked at the empty space. All of Trixie's belongings were gone, not a single trace of her presence left. Katya ran around the apartment and checked every room, but Trixie wasn't there. She opened her front door and ran down the hallway. She went outside and frantically looked from left to right, trying to recognize her girlfriend in the street in vain. Katya sprinted back to her apartment, feeling her heart beat out of her chest, and called Trixie. She was sent straight to voicemail. She tried to send her a text but it was undelivered. After 5 minutes Katya understood that Trixie had blocked her on every single platform. She couldn't reach her. Katya felt her world crash down around her. She was unable to rationalize, and the only thing she could think of was how her life was now meaningless. She sobbed loudly and covered her mouth with her hand, she was terrified. Katya knew she would never recover if Trixie didn't come back. For hours she laid on her couch, crying all the tears she had and replaying the events in her head. She was hopeless, lost and hurt. Katya thought Trixie and her were going to last forever, that nothing could ever separate them. And she couldn't believe that Trixie left without a word, vanishing from her life like what they were meant nothing. In a last attempt to make sense of what happened Katya sent a message to Kim, Trixie's makeup artist and friend.

Kim : She's just letting the storm pass

Katya found this answer too vague for her liking so she asked for further explanation, but once again her message was undelivered. Katya's nerves were getting to her, she had no way to solve this issue and it was unbearable to live with it. She smoked her entire pack of cigarettes and tried to think of something else to remain sane.

A week later Katya hadn't had any news about Trixie. The media was still talking about her, the scandalous sextape and her immediate disappearing. It was now Katya's only source of information about Trixie. Apparently the girl deleted all her social media accounts. Katya also learned a lot about herself, according to the tabloids she took revenge on Trixie by posting the video. She didn't have half the energy to tell her side of the story, so she let the rumors be. Katya was unable to work so she told all her artists to deal with Mark. She broke Veronica's contract, and that was about all she could do.

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