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After years of dreaming, hoping, and working over hours, Trixie was finally 21 and had enough money to leave Wisconsin. She only had a small suitcase and her guitar with her when she arrived in Los Angeles. The air was hot and the blonde felt so little next to the tall buildings surrounding her. It was almost 11 pm and the 2 days of bus she did added to the tired state Trixie was in. However this night wouldn't allow her to have some much needed sleep as she had to stay outside. Her budget was tight and she preferred spending on food rather than a hotel. So she went to some Mexican chain restaurant and ordered the cheapest thing, enjoying the cushy seats for as long as she could. A few hours later she left and wandered around, trying to find a place to rest. Trixie came across a park and sat on one of the large wooden benches. She looked around herself one more time and held tightly onto her belongings before closing her eyes.

Trixie was woken up by water spraying her shoes.

"Sorry" The man who cleaned the path said in an annoyed voice. The girl understood that she was bothering him and stood up to let him do his job. It was 6 am and she started searching for a public bathroom, or maybe a bar that would allow her to use their restrooms. Trixie had to get ready for her audition and she wanted to at least look decent and smell good. She realized how delusional it was thinking that the record studio would make her their new star. It was her only plan though. She could always work as a waitress or sales clerk, but she came to LA for more than that.

It took her one hour in a small and poor lit toilet to get all dolled up. Trixie was wearing white gogo boots and a soft pink short dress that hugged her body. Her eyeshadow and lipstick were pink too. Her long blonde hair was pulled back with a white headband and fell loose on her shoulders and back. She walked to the studio and there were already 10 other artists queuing for the free auditions. She clearly stood out from them. Her style was original compared to the basic hipster look of everyone else. Almost all of them were sipping 10$ Starbucks orders, looking at their above one grand phones and listening to music with their expensive AirPods. Trixie felt like she didn't belong.

People were going in and coming back 5 minutes later, most of them looked disappointed or angry. The blonde started to stress out. This was the only chance to make or break her dream.

After less than an hour it was her turn. She checked herself in her pocket mirror and exhaled deeply before entering. It was a large rehearsing room with only one chair in the middle and a desk in front of it. A man with dark hair and a blonde woman were sat next to each other looking at some papers. Trixie immediately noticed how hot the female jury was. Sharp cheekbones and jaw, straight nose and plump red lips. Her black tank top showed muscular and ink covered arms and was snug on her otherwise bare chest. Trixie had a thing for this style of women, the total opposite of herself.

Without saying anything the two judges motioned for her to sit down, which she did.

"Hello, my name is Trixie Mattel and I wrote the song I'm about to play, which is Girl next door." The girl tried to say in the most polite and joyful way.
"Yeah yeah go ahead" The woman sighed leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. Trixie saw her piercing blue eyes for the first time as she finally looked at her. She couldn't help but stare at them. She cleared her throat softly and began strumming the strings of her pink guitar. She kept her eyes down and sang with all her heart. When she gained more confidence Trixie tried to look up but the woman's blue pupils were still burning into her so she closed her eyes. As soon as she finished the woman sighed again.

"Come here. Fill this and if we want to see you again we'll send you a text." She said in a monotonous voice. Trixie wrote down her information and smiled, only to be met with a cold face. The man seemed more sympathetic as he thanked her and replied to her goodbye.

"Why are you so negative Katya she was good!" The guy exclaimed when the young blonde left.
"Yeah whatever. You know I don't like country shit Mark."
"This is not about what you like or not, it's about what sells. And this young version of Dolly Parton will please a large audience. She has an okay voice but her appearance will outweigh that"
"I guess. At least she sticks out from all the other hobos who think they're the next Phil Collins"

Katya and Mark listened to 6 other people, all more pathetic than the other according to her, and were finally done. They kept only 2 names on the list. Even if she hated what kind of music she did Katya ended up having to manage Trixie. It was not that bad though, she seemed like an humble girl and easy to work with. Plus she was beautiful, and even if Katya thought she was straight she would still enjoy spending time around her.

When Trixie received the text saying they wanted to see her again, she cried. Even if she knew it was dirty she kissed her phone, holding it close to her heart afterwards. Now she had to prove that she was really worth it. At 8 am the next day she was in front of the studio, in jean shorts and a white shirt tied to her waist with pink cowboy boots.

"Hi. Come in. I'm Katya." The blonde said extending out her hand to avoid any unwanted hug.
"Hey! Trixie. Nice to see you again. Are you Russian?" Trixie asked with a smile. Katya was taken aback by her familiarity, usually people matched her unfriendly attitude.
"Uh yes. Yes I am." She replied leading Trixie inside.
"I recognized your accent. It's pretty."
Katya shook her head and laughed lowly at the young girl's attitude. She would have to teach her some behavioral lessons.

Katya showed Trixie around the studio and she was amazed by every room, which made Katya proud. The Russian built this studio with the money she inherited from her grandparents. It was 7 years ago, when she left her country to live in the United States. Somehow she saw herself in Trixie, young and eager for success. Once they visited the whole building they went up to Katya's office.

"I need you to write down some of your info. If you could also put your height and measurements, it's for the costumes and clothes."
"Sure sure. But I don't think I know my measurements."
"Let's do it then" Katya said casually, not realizing that taking measurements required to be extremely close to Trixie and maybe touch her body. She wouldn't have minded it, but the blonde's curves were making Katya wonder how the odds of genetics ended up producing such perfection. She wrapped the ruler around her chest, waist, hips and thighs, avoiding eye contact throughout the whole process. She still noticed the blush on Trixie's cheeks and prayed that it wasn't out of embarrassment or discomfort.

"Okay perfect. You still need to note your address though." Katya sighed finally letting herself breathe once she was further away from Trixie.
"I don't have a home here..." The girl replied fidgeting with her shirt.
"Well just put the name of the hotel then"
"I... I'm homeless Katya. I'm sorry to say that only now but it won't stop me from doing the work I'll eventually find a side job and save up to rent something" Trixie desperately explained.
"Oh. It's okay." Katya said as she took the paper and wrote something on it.
"Whose address is that?" The younger blonde asked.
"You don't have to do that I'll make it work on my own I swear"
"Baby when someone proposes to help you just say thank you" Katya told with a smile, the nickname coming to her naturally.
"Sorry. Thank you, I just don't want to bother."
"You don't have money I'm not gonna blame you for it. You have talent and that's better"
Trixie blushed and smiled shyly at that comment.

Katya was surprised by her own actions but there was no way she would let Trixie sleep outside. She didn't mind the idea of having her at her place too. It would fill the void and silence that was unbearable even for Katya who loved to be alone.

They finished the administrative work and Katya asked Trixie to perform some songs in a recording studio. It was only things she wrote herself and the Russian was really impressed. Her range was great too, some songs made her want to cry while others were super joyful. Katya sent all the demos to producers she knew and since it was almost 7 pm she drove them home.

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