Part 16 (CAUTION, the end approaches!)

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The amount of time Wren spent simply sitting above the quarry, overlooking the carved-out chasm beneath her, looking to her right she found a large sign 


Climbing over the passenger side, she slowly opened the glovebox out of boredom. She'd never really seen what was inside, so she was curious, opening it, she found documents, of course, just photocopied documents you have in your car if you get pulled over. And a handgun, that was what took her by surprise, it was a revolver, old fashion looking. She struggled for a while but managed to open the revolving barrel, seeing it was unloaded.

"Oh thank god Dad..." she sighed with relief, "One unfortunate pull over, and you'd be a goner pops..."

She noticed a small box of ammunition, out of pure instinct, she loaded the gun, spinning the barrel back into place.

A sound echoed across the ravine, car noises, she looked outside, the sky beginning to have evidence of an approaching thunderstorm and the first shades of nighttime gracing the sky.  another car had pulled across the quarry from her, a black car. Wren squinted, trying to see who on earth was here this late at night, someone finally came out, slamming the door behind them. The noise reverberated across, and the sight of an all too familiar coroner stood outside the car.

"You're not seriously gonna burn down the coroners office are you?" Tammy looked concerned, facing Hestia.

"Nope, just making sure, we get that body out of there, and making sure Heidi can't frame you." Hestia explained, the door to the coroners office opening with ease, evidence from earlier from none of them locking the door wen they left.

"Nice, thanks for keeping the door unlocked so some poor soul can walk in on a dead body." Hestia complained, making her way down the long hallway towards the autopsy room, it was almost like she knew the place like that back of her hand.

"There they are..." Sasha pointed out, entering the autopsy room with the body laying on the autopsy table, chest still opened to the cool air of the room. "Now, please, sew this person up so we can get them to an actually trustworthy coroner..."

"Not a problem." Hestia responded, fishing some medical grade gloves out of her pocket, snapping them over her hands. "I need some practice anyhow."

The sky had finally gone dark, Wren observed Heidi from across the quarry, eyes squinting to get a better view of the area, suddenly, almost on cue, Heidi's body spun around, locking eyes directly with Wren, making her jump. Heidi grinned in a thin line, then made her way towards the edge, finding a small foot path to walk.

Wren fumbled in the console for her phone, dialing 9-1-1 as fast as her fingers would go.

"911 what's your emergency?" a voice rang over the receiver.

"I need the police at the Exland quarry now." she insisted.

"Wait, ma'am what's going on-" the voice was cut off by Wren hanging up the call, only a matter of time and waiting.

Wren soon followed in tow, gun in her pocket, ready for a fight. Placing the car into park and throwing the door open. She was on Heidi's tail, she wasn't going to lose sight of her again.

Running through the brush on the cliff, she neared the trail leading down to the bottom of the cliff near the river, almost losing her footing multiple times, she bolted down the steep and rocky path to where she was finally going to catch Heidi, almost, so close, and then...

Wren stumbled, losing her footing, she tripped don't eh side of the rocky walls, hands scraping for some grip as she tumbled endlessly towards the bottom, towards certain death.

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