You talk a lot don't you

Start from the beginning

Once she and Matt had gone home she'd been tempted to call Steve to see why he'd come back, but the feelings of hurt had come rushing in making her set aside her phone for once. He had to know that his actions had consequences and unfortunately she couldn't be around someone who would have gone through with what he'd planned to do. The silence between them didn't last long. Sort of. A few days later Steve called her and she sent him straight to voicemail. Jamie ignored his calls. Just like she refused to answer her door when he showed up not long after.

For a while he'd camped in the hall alternating between knocking and talking through the door since he could hear that she was inside. For weeks he would show up trying to talk to her, but she refused to see him. If Matt was home he would answer the door but at her request, always told Steve she wasn't home. A few weeks after Thanksgiving he eventually gave up and they'd gone about being miserable without each other.

Snuggling into Steve's side for a moment more Jamie sat up. Sitting back but keeping his arm around her, he shifted his gaze over to the path watching as people hurried home from their work day buttoned up tight against the wind that had picked up. Jamie could sense that Steve was trying to think of a way to apologize again. Explain himself better, but that could wait for another day. Tapping his leg to get his attention she tilted her head in the direction of the Tower. "Let's go meet my potential new roommate and then get some food cause I'm starving."

"Uh, yeah, sure. I texted Buck to let him know we were on our way earlier so he's probably wondering where we are." Ever the gentleman, he stood up and held his hand out for her to help her up. Taking it but not letting him go she said smiling up at him, "Why thank you kind sir."

Both a little more at ease they walked hand in hand catching up a bit on what they'd been up to. Of course he had to mention in a roundabout way what Peter had told him about her nightmares coming back. As they exited the park he tried to sound casual. "How are you sleeping?"

"I'm seriously gonna have to rethink Parker's bestie status if he keeps spilling my secrets." She mumbled to herself in mild annoyance.

Squeezing her hand Steve glanced down at her as he directed them down the crowded sidewalk. "He's worried about you, Jamie. It's not much of a secret if I can see that you've lost weight and you've got dark circles under your eyes." Avoiding his gaze she kept her eyes forward and her shoulders stiff. Knowing that she didn't want to talk about it wouldn't keep him from talking all the same. "Have you been keeping up your appointments with Dr Kent?"

"Steve.." Jamie's warning tone did nothing to stop him from pestering her.

"James, you can't just stop getting help with your depression and PTSD. Are you at least talking to anyone about this and I mean really talking not what you usually do." What he meant by that was avoiding the painful subject and feelings by stuffing them deep down until she eventually either blew up or completely withdrew from everyone.

"Your savior complex is showing, Rogers." Trying and failing to take her hand back she glared up at him. "You know, I'm suddenly regretting opening my door."

Not letting her comments hurt his feelings because he knew she didn't mean any of it, he tugged her closer to his side to avoid getting bumped into by a man not paying attention. "True and I'm working on it. Also that's a lie and we both know you love me. And even if you do regret it that's too damn bad. Now that I'm here I'm gonna make sure you get back on track."

Pursing her lips to hide her reluctant smile Jamie refused to talk to him until they got to the Tower. It was petulant and childish, but she had to give him a hard time somehow. Waving at John the day time security guard they made their way into an elevator, pressing the button for the team's floor. "Can I have my hand back now?"

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