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Hello \|\=>+|% there i am the pokemon pro=&^=+^= welcome to the world of pokemon-

System reboot failed

???:ha hahahahha he's finally delt wit

???:oh your still reading ummmmmm 

???:A! I have an idea have you ever heard of kid ketchum?

???:WHAT!? you haven't heard of ash 

???:well this is gona be allong time....

???:well let me start ok!

It all started with one mistake to burn it all down to the ground 

{not literally}

Ash:pikachu let's go 

But pikachu did not answer 

Ash:...ok buddy

He arrive to his mom's house 

Ash:hi mom-

Delia:ash honey we need to talk,come to the living room

Ash and his mom came to the living room to see all of his past companions 

Ash hi guys-

Misty and may:SHUT YOU DOUNT HOLE!!!


Delia:ash honey we need to talk about your dream

Ash:ah! I will never give up than-

Delia:let your friends explain this

All of his friends except lillie said:Give up on your dream!!!

{why lillie and gladion is not there with traitors? Because plot!} 


Serena:ash stop your stupid dream and start a family with me ash


Ash:why would i do that!

Serena:you don't think i'm pretty?

Ash:ha AHAHAHAHAHA-you think your pretty,valerie is better than you 

Serena just cried

Delia:A! Ash C. Ketchum! Don't be rude to your friends!

Delia:let's get back to the point ash stop your dream NOW!


Ash:pi-pikachu you still be-belive in me right?

Pikachu left his sholder and walked to max

Ash:you are all just traitors!

Ash stormed of out of the house 

Brock:should we go after him?

Delia:no,he will come back to us sooner or later  

???:well she was wrong

He never came back

He went of to find is crush

{this the ship i chosee}

Ash x hex maniac

Why there the hex maniac and not lillie 

Because the not that popular still i like aureliashipping

Andddddddd i have one thing to say {this is just a meme!}[aurmourshipers:"is this story does not have aourmershipping this is bad!]

{the hex maniac is not a randome trainer okay!}

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System crash reboot 

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