Chapter Thirty Five: Don't Worry You Have All My Attention.

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Freya Grey and Sirius Black were in the middle of a heated debate over (which both would claim they were winning). It had started from the exit of the Great Hall and would continue until they reached their destination. ABBA had been the pushing point of this particular argument, but by the way, Sirius was dripping in shock, you'd assume they had been discussing murdering children.

To an outsider, this would be very concerning, even more so if they were the cold-shouldering best friend of Sirius. Not because he looked like he was fighting for his life(he was a dramatic fellow, but because he was willingly hanging out with the girl he had proclaimed his arch-nemesis the week he had met her.

Mid-walk, James Potter stood dumbfounded beside Peter Pettigrew. The latter of the two had a cinnamon bun halfway in his mouth, that fell out since his jaw dropped at the sight.

The two gawked them in growing horror as Sirius playfully nudged her.

"Murder?" Peter offered, trying to think of something that would rationalize what it was.

"Most likely," James replied, not thinking either of them could survive each other for too long.

"I got my book." Remus Lupin bound up to the duo, messy hair looking worst for wear.

"Brilliant." James almost shouted, snapping all attention in the immediate area to him. Then, he slapped his palm on his face, stepping right in front of Remus's eye line. "I completely forgot, my bag. Silly me."

Remus raised his brows, then pointed at the bag at James's side. "That bag?"

Following Remus's finger, James shook his head. "Not that bag, other bag."

"Different bag," Peter added. "Bigger bag."

"Yeah." Both of them murmured in agreement. James then suddenly, put his arm around Remus and turned him in the opposite direction from Freya and Sirius. "Come on, mate, let's go find it."

Too tired to disagree, but not tired enough to be snappy about it, Remus went along with James and Peter. "Okay."


The next day, James Potter sat right behind Freya in transfigurations. Fingers drumming on his desk, he chewed on the inside of his cheek. McGonagall was speaking on about something, but he could not pay attention for the life of him, this was not unusual, but typically this was because a certain red-head was in the class, not because he was filled with a growing amount of anxiety.

As someone who was like a brother to Sirius, he was worried on two ends. One, he was worried Sirius might do something idiotic and wind up hurt. And two, he was worried he would do something idiotic and someone else would wind up hurt. That person being Remus, who had just gotten over another full moon and did not need another thing to worry about. Very badly, he wanted to go up to Freya, shake her, and shout "what do you think you're doing---

"Isn't that, right, Mr. Potter?" A primly grey-haired woman in emerald robes stood in front of his desks with raised eyebrows.

All eyes turned back to him, and even Freya cast her gaze over her shoulder. Sitting up, James snapped his attention to Minerva McGonagall. "Of course, Professor."

"Thank you, Mr. Potter." Her voice was touched with amused annoyance, and she continued on her stroll through the classroom. "Do try focusing more on the lesson and less on Ms. Grey's hair."

Hush murmurs echoed throughout the class and Freya's shoulders tensed. Pink cheeked, James, composed himself the best he could. With a charming smile, James humorously winked at Minerva. "Don't worry you have all my attention now, professor."

"As I was saying..." Withholding a sigh, McGonagall continued on with her lesson and James continued on with his concern. However, Lily Evans, who sat on the far side of the classroom, noticed he kept looking towards Freya. Confused, her eyes darted between them.

Soon class was over, and students were packing up their bags and heading off to the next period. Hastily, James shoved his papers in his bag, half distracted, he didn't even notice a certain redhead approach him.

"James--" She started as Freya left the classroom.

"Not now, Lily." James yanked his bag over his shoulder and shot out of the classroom.

Awestruck, Lily stood there. James Potter had blown her off. Merlin, times had changed.


Near curfew, Remus Lupin and Lily Evans were on the usual stroll around Hogwarts. Being prefects was a little boring when the usual trouble makers were on a break. Still, they enjoyed each other's company.

It was honestly a horrible combination of people to enforce rules, neither of them was particularly harsh on people out of bed and Lily was very soft on those in the younger years. Remus knew he only got his position as an attempt from the staff to curb his friend's habits(this failed miserably).

"Has James spoken to you about Freya?" Lily questioned, her hands laced behind her.

Confused, Remus raised an eyebrow and glanced at her. "Freya? No. Why?"

"No reason." She shrugged, recalling how even during lunch his attention was still on Freya. "Do you think he might fancy her?"

Remus laughed a little, trying to picture Freya responding to being called a gorgeous flower. "Definitely, not."

She chuckled too; it really did seem ridiculous. "I think Peter would have a better shot than him."

"Most likely, I think the only person with a worse shot than him is Sirius." Remus joked.

"Hell would freeze before those two would get together."

"Even then, Freya still might have some issues with his arrogance."

Smiling, the two walked in silence for a moment, then something weighed on Lily's shoulders. "Have you two spoken recently?"

"Freya and I?" The scarred boy rubbed the back of his neck, guilt seeping into his skin. "No, things just weren't going to work out."

"Why is that?" She pressed, lightly.

"We just... thought it would be beneficial for us both." Unnaturally, the words left his mouth as if he worked very hard to get his tongue around them.

Lily nodded, looking down. "You thought." After a moment, she continued. "Freya acts very cold, but she isn't." She explained, eyes meeting his. Candlelight was the only thing to show the brightness of her green eyes, but Remus found them to have a glow of their own. "But you already know that."

"It's complicated." He dismissed. It wasn't really. He was a dangerous animal, and she was a bright witch with a bright future.

"I know." Lily nodded, then turned to him. "You're a good person, Remus. I'm sure you did what you thought was best."

Impurity curled around his skin. "You don't know that, though."

"Well, I don't think you would--"

"No, you don't know that I'm a good person." Ball forming in his throat, his eyes couldn't help, but shine in the candlelight. "You have no idea what I am capable of."

Brows pinched in concern, Lily stared at him. "Everybody makes mistakes, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve a future."

Her words were so soft and comforting; they shook him to his very core. Tears formed in his eyes, and he threw his arms around Lily. Taken back, she quickly returned the hug as he sobbed into her shoulder. He so desperately wanted to believe her words as much as she did. He wanted to think he was more than what he was. And in that single moment, every emotion he felt from the last month or so came flooding into him. All the times he dismissed his guilt and disgust with himself to not ruin his friend's day came pouring out on her shoulder. 

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