Chapter Two: Slytherin, Eh?

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"Come on, just stay with me, Pads," Were the first words Freya heard on the next Saturday morning and it made her grimace. Of course, all the soothing tea and diary sessions had now blown away to dust as she remembered hearing that voice last night. That seeker was getting on the last of her nerves, and she hadn't even stepped out onto the grassy planes of the schoolyard. "My mom loves you."

"Mum would die... perhaps I should, my whole family's filled with gits anyway." Sirius Black piped up and Freya a strong urge to use his body as a practice dummy for stun spells. Regs was most definitely not a git.

"It's too cold outside." Sev noticed as he joined Freya by the pillar. All of his clothing fit him weirdly since none were ever really his size, but no one in the group ever mentioned it.

"We're just waiting for Lily." Freya glanced at his cupped fingers. "Your gloves."

He stiffened. "I lost them."

She knew he hadn't, but she knew he didn't want pity or a scene. So, she made a mental note(that would later be converted into a diary note), and added gloves to his Christmas gift this year.

A bright dash of vibrant red hit the corner of her eye. She waved. "Lily!"

The tall girl bound up them, rose in her cheeks. "Have you guys seen what happened in the library?"

Freya nearly lost her cool.

"Morning Lily," James greeted, almost as if appearing out of nowhere. He had a very polite smile mixed with his romantic eyes to make a sort of dog-like effect. At the sight of the redhead, he seemed to have lost breath so much so that his friend, Peter Pettigrew, had to gently nudge his side to get him to re-wind himself. "Looking as refreshed as always."

The reactions to this line varied from person to person. Both people to the left of him, Peter and Sirius, seem quite pleased with this and even sported proud grins. While to the right of him, Remus Lupin, the more reserved and level-headed of the group, couldn't help but wonder how he managed to associate himself with these idiots.

All the while, across from James, Severus felt a cord of jealously strike through him that he would never mention and Freya attempted to keep her gaze on anything but Sirius Black in hopes he would keep like he always has and not notice her. She failed.

Lily glared, much too un-caffeinated for this. "What do you want James?"

"Freya." Sirius' lips curled as if her name was an inside joke between them.

"Black." She said his last name back cooly.

"Your hair looks nice this morning," James said to Lily.

Lily cocked her head. "It doesn't look nice every morning?"

His face turned red. "No, no, no I meant it always looks nice, regardless. Even when you pass out drunk in the common room it looked amazing." Even Sirius and Peter who had been confidently silently supporting him had their pride waver while Remus quite simply wanted to die. "Not that I meant you do that often, of course."

"I think I got what you meant quite clearly." Lily kept her eyes hard but was cackling on the inside.

"We should probably go to the common room." Remus piped up, his hazel eyes gently combed over the other people as he firmly moved James away from his fellow prefect. "Have a good morning."

"Thank you, Remus," Lily replied and began the walk to the Great Lake.

As the seven people moved past each other, Sirius decided to shoulder check Severus so hard Sev nearly tripped. Freya quickly steadied him, but he pushed her away the second he could.

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