Chapter Twenty Four: Soon You Shall See The Truth.

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Near the bright flicker of candlelight, Freya transcribed the Arabic incantations into English. Due to some minor setbacks, a hangover, and a surprise essay, Freya was slightly behind where she wanted to be.

Lip tugged between her teeth, she concentrated on the words. Most European spells had their origin in Latin, but other countries used different bases and notions.

In Freya's time, she had learned that the words did not matter as much as the intention and skill. When she was growing up, and she when watched her parents, that was typically the case. Her father, despite his thick accent, would do his best to mimic the people at the Ministry's way, but at times it was sloppy. His focus was on sounding British rather than being accurate.

Though it paid off, Freya supposed. By the time she was ten, his words barely twanged with a different note, and he climbed up the social ladder rather quickly. He was on his way to being a respected member of the Ministry, and would have been proud to know the elite Orion Black knew him by name. But significantly less proud that his only child spent the last two hours writing down translations that would barely pay for her and her mother's food.

Her back was starting to hurt, but if she moved positions, she risked falling asleep on the soft couches of the common room. It was completely empty since they were heading into the A.M.s and Freya liked the quiet.

But then, she heard the patter of footsteps and quickly pinched out the flame with her fingers. Dropping her head to the side of the couch, she waited for the person to pass, her eyes squinted trying to make out the shape of the person.

Severus had his cloak on, and he had his wand lowly lit. At first, she was going to greet him, but quickly reconsidered it since earlier she had told him to head to bed for his own betterment and did not want to seem like a hypocrite. He tripped slightly, and Freya's breath hitched. His head snapped towards her, and his wand illuminated her frame.

Carefully, he placed a blanket over her and brushed her hair out of her face. "And I'm the one who needs to go to bed early." Severus could have sworn her lips curled gently, but figured it was a trick of the light. A soft and chaste kiss was pressed against her temple. After an awkward beat, he removed his mouth and found it was slightly more uncomfortable than he thought it'd be. Best to leave the physical affection to Lily. "Soon you shall see the truth, Freya."

Freya felt the pressure of his hands leave the blanket and heard his footsteps reseeding down the hall. Her eyes flew open once the common room door closed. Truth about what?

Several things were running in her mind: where was Sev going so late, what did she not know, and was he drinking enough water? Though the kiss was an odd but sweet gesture, his lips were very chapped, and she planned to give him some balm the next day so they would not crack in the winter's cold.

Finishing the last spell on the transcript, her head was elsewhere. Finally, she put her quill down, and a terrible thought went through her head. He couldn't possibly... Quickly she checked the date on the silver plaque on the wall and went through her astronomy homework... Merlin's beard.

Wand in hand, she dashed out common room into the cold world.

But Freya was too late. 

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