A brave man her dad was I must say, did everything and left her with the most luxury he could afford in these woods.

Then she explained how she could hack into any CCTV of Arbmtys. It’s all about the number of the chips that are installed in the cameras that her dad already wrote down for her and it would take her a day to break into another CCTV than the facility. If she had more of the screen then she could have surveillance of whole Arbmtys but screens are two which show only the facility.

“The electricity amazes me”, I say to keep her talking so that she won’t go into reminiscing about her survival without her father.

I know it hurts, I know it hurts even though it doesn’t matter now because it’s been years of that incident but it hurts because  I was not there to witness them dying so I’m left to imagine hundreds of different ways they would’ve died in pain, in agony, in grief, in hopes, and a little bit of happiness that their suffering finally came to an end. Their suffering definitely came to an end but mine just began with their ending. Had I seen their face in their last moments, I'd have happily remembered their still yet constant self but no, I’m left to imagine their last moments, their last words, and their last grieves.

It’s a circle that I choose my dot to expand into, I was ignorant that a circle will keep me circling in the pain till I settle in the solitude but it’s the only way to keep thinking because I deserve the truth.

“All thanks to the geothermal panel implanted in the grounds of Heather. It helps to steal the electricity via the ground. Since they took the grounds of Arbmtys under their control and they can make it gravity-free whenever they want, the geothermal panel steals the energy from the power plant underneath which controls seasons and gravity”, Wakumi explained and I offered her Black Currant after I found it from my shuffling. “I don’t drink”, she excused herself and went into the stalagmites caves. Ayan gave us a nod of assurance for her and followed her in.

Silence is comfortable with the people you adore but it’s weighting with people you are acquainted with only for mutual benefits.

I heard Ayan mentioning to Xavier that we could go out to Heather whenever we want but the earpiece is necessary to be worn with a person monitoring the sensations or movements around Heather and guiding us to safety. At this point, I’m obligated to go out in the fresh air of Heather because the air here is filled with tension and sorrow.

“I’m going up. Earpiece”, I ask Kelly to pass me the ear pod from the table of the screens. Kelly agreed to allow me the freedom by taking the responsibility of monitoring.

The cool shit about this earpiece is that it’s the modified version of a walkie-talkie. There are certain numbers embedded on the earpiece and one can connect the other via number. Isn’t this the future?

I could’ve asked Silver to join us but she was dozing off on Kelly's lap so I thought to leave her be.

“They will be on the move frequently because a huge number escaped from the hotel this time”, Keit warned and I took utmost care of not getting in trouble on my way out of Ulna. When Zain followed me out, I felt little contentment that at least he is not willing to leave me alone in the winds of blood.

Foreign footsteps echoed and Zain confirmed that Keit followed us too. All of our safety lies on the ears of Kelly now.

When we crawled out of Ulna, I was worried that Heather was on fire for I saw too many lights lit up giving the trees a shade of autumn fire and it felt unreal for me to witness this from veil rusts. Taking the turn from the corner of Ulna I realized that it was the lights reflecting from Bexuca setting Heather on fire. 

Into The UnknownTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang