Yes, I did use Story generator to make the plot

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Shut the up before I smash you with your mother's eyeball. If this story makes no sense, blame the generator. 

If you want to use the one I used, here is the  link:

Very well know site that offers plenty. Would recommend. Song lyrics generator is very funny when it is out of context. 

Here is what I was generated (All I was working off):

Chad Chadson was thinking about Bob the builder again. Bob was a soft fox with appealing ear lobe and good looking tooth.

Chad walked over to the window and reflected on his wet surroundings. He had always loved sandy the beach with its slimy, shredded sand. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel sad.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a soft figure of Bob the builder.

Chad gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a cold, angry, ginger beer flavoured pepsi drinker with sexy ear lobe and hot tooth. His friends saw him as a victorious, valid vulture. Once, he had even rescued a xenophobic bob's heart from a burning building.

But not even a cold person who had once rescued a xenophobic bob's heart from a burning building, was prepared for what Bob had in store today.

The beach like condition teased like rampaging mole, making Chad glad. Chad grabbed a sexy your mum's left eyeball that had been strewn nearby; he massaged it with his fingers.

As Chad stepped outside and Bob came closer, he could see the vivacious smile on his face.

"I am here because I want a relationship," Bob bellowed, in a warm tone. He slammed his fist against Chad's chest, with the force of 9016 spider. "I frigging hate you, Chad Chadson."

Chad looked back, even more glad and still fingering the sexy your mum's left eyeball. "Bob, i love you," he replied.

They looked at each other with in love feelings, like two deep, difficult dragon murdering at a very gentle funeral, which had bop music playing in the background and two smooth uncles killing to the beat.

Suddenly, Bob lunged forward and tried to punch Chad in the face. Quickly, Chad grabbed the sexy your mum's left eyeball and brought it down on Bob's skull.

Bob's appealing ear lobe trembled and his good looking tooth wobbled. He looked happy, his body raw like a yarbelicious, yellow your greatgrandfather's severed toe.

Then he let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Bob the builder was dead.

Chad Chadson went back inside and made himself a nice drink of ginger beer flavoured pepsi.


Ah yes, the finest work of Shakespeare. I hope you enjoyed the funny, also what are you doing with your life?

Thanks and bye. 

Chad Chadson and Bob the BuilderWhere stories live. Discover now