The force of 9016 spider

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Chad followed Bob outside the small cabin building, and followed him down through the sand. Chad smiled at the beach like conditions, before remembering that he hated Bob and didn't love him. He would never love a builder

Bob finally stopped, right at where the sand was soaked, the crashing waves very audible. The beachness of the beach teased Chad like a 'rampaging mole', as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson would say. Chad didn't know why, but he just did. Either way, it made him glad. 

Bob begins his confession, "Listen, Chad. I brought you hear for a reason. It is because I-"

Chad holds something rubbery and squishing in his hand. Bob looks closer to see it is an eye ball. 

"Chad!! Why do you have an eyeball? I thought Ombina talked to you about this!!" Bob smacks his face with a force of only  24 spider. That isn't enough spider to hurt, but just enough to cause  brain damage. 

"I believe this Vision Ball belongs to ... your mother" Chad tells him. He was right. He is holding the eye ball of your mother. 

Chad steps outside, despite the fact he is already outside. Bob walked up closer. And closer and closer. Chad admired the vivacious smile on his face.

"Chad, I am here because I want a relationship ..." Bob says, grabbing Chad's waist and pulling him in. There was a few silent seconds of pure love feelings. Chad had finally accepted his feelings for Bob, and was never going to let go. 

Suddenly™, Bob slammed his fist against Chad with the force of 9016 spider. That is a very large number of Spider. 

"I frigging hate you, Chad Chadson." Bob spits at him. Chad lies on the floor, looking up at Bob. He is still squishing your mother's eyeball as glad as ever. Probably because the beach is still beach-like. But for a moment, their eyes connected. Their love was like two very deep, complicated dragons. Not just normal dragons, but murderous dragons, committing various types of manslaughter. But specifically doing so at a funeral, with music that really bops playing in the background. And they were two smooth uncles killing to the beat. 

Suddenly™, Bob lunged forward at Chad, aiming for his face. With surprise, Chad dodged Bob's attack like the main character he is. 

"B-b-b-b-b- .....Bo-b-b- ... Bob ..?" Chad stutters, "Was it all for nothing?"

Bob smiles, "Oh Chad. I do love you. But you have to die." 

"B-b-b-b-b- but Bob the Builder, you are a terrible twist villian! You have no evil motivation or any conflicting thoughts, and certainly no evidence of any! Your betrayal doesn't make sense!" 

Bob smiles wider, "Oh Chaddy Chad. As if that matters, the readers will write 'reader x Bob The Builder' fan fiction either way. I do love you, but we will live forever in fan fiction. But we can't be together here!"

"Why not?"

Bob doesn't smile wider. In fact, he frowns. 

"I don't know." 

Bob lunges at Chad again, but Chad is prepared this time. He takes the now extremely sexy eye ball belonging to your mum , lifting it over Bob's skull. He brings it upon his head, wounding his ear-lobe. Oh, not his poor appealing ear lobe! 

Bob trembles upon the ground his attractive tooth not looking very good. In fact, it was looking quiet wobbly. It should aspire to be like Chad's hot and sexy tooth instead of being a loser wobbly one. Bob's body had been ripped raw from the sand, and he stayed lying there like a  yarbelicious, yellow 'your greatgrandfather's severed toe'. 

Bob was moaning and groaning, before he stopped. He had just died. Chad Chadson had just killed his love, and he couldn't be more glad that the beach still resembled a beach. 

Chad Chadson and Bob the Builderحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن