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I'm the daughter you forgot

In favour of the son, for whom you fought.

Years later, now you see me reach unprecedented heights,

While the favoured one remains out of sight.

You told me then, I repeat it now, "Give me a reason to care"

Why should I pull you out of despair?

I grew up, from ashes I rose.

burnt, bruised with nothing to lose.

Never again did I rely on another.

Myself, I dealt with every grief and bother.

I needed the help you never gave, though you were always aware,

Tell me then, Why should I pull you out of despair?

Never having given me anything but pain,

Laughing, you watched tears rain,

Stared as my eyes grew dry,

Ignored as I wished and hoped to die.

For years you didn't waste on me your care,

Why should I pull you out of despair?

When I was stuck in memories of old

You never came when I was sad and cold.

You threw me out, alone on the road

Yet you want me to lighten your load.

You never came, never did you care,

Why should I pull you out of despair?

Years later, you remember me, your 'daughter'

But not how you took away my laughter

You don't remember how you became my tears

Tears I concealed in my heart for years

Needing help, you crawl back, while I stare

Why should I pull you out of despair?

 You deserve it, O cruellest of cruel

You deserve to beg and grovel.

You came to me and said sorry

Expecting to be relieved of guilt and worry

But tell me why my sympathy I should share?

Why should I pull you out of despair?

When I looked, for the last time at you,

The hatred in your eyes was pure and true.

Why do you now pretend to love me?

I don't want your love, I'm finally free,

Satisfied with my new life, now even I don't care.

Never will I pull you out of despair.


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