Little Bunbun

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Pet: Tommy
Caretaker: Eret

~Tommy POV~

I was going to stay with Eret for a few days. It was an unexpected meet up but I was still really excited for it. "Hey Tommy, come on in" Eret says as she opens the door for me. I wave to my parents before they drive off. "Here, let me take your bags" they say while picking up my bags by the front door. "Thank you" I say with a smile. Eret leads me to the room I'm going to be staying in. I unpack my stuff and make sure Eret isn't around when I put away my regression stuff.

"All done packing?" Eret asks as I walk downstairs. "Yep, just finished now" I reply. He pat the seat next to them on the couch, indicating to sit down. I listen to what they said and sat down with them. "What do you want to do Toms?" she asks. "Don't know" I say with a shrug. I never told anyone but Eret always made my head feel fussy, they acted like a caregiver sometimes. The familiar feeling came over me. Now isn't the time to regress. "Bud, are you close to regressing?" Eret asks. I was shocked to hear him say this but I slowly nodded my head. "You're okay here, don't worry about regressing" she assured me. I let myself regress knowing I'm safe.

I was waiting for Eret to come back from getting my regression stuff. It's so boring and I can't stay still. I moved around on the couch, bouncing on my legs slightly. A few minutes later I saw Eret come back and I jumped more out of excitement. They had my favourite pair of ears and tail. Before Eret helped put them on me I got changed into a light blue sweater and overalls. I was now in my favourite regression stuff.

~Eret POV~

Tommy looked adorable in his little bunny outfit. "Do you want a snack?" I ask him. He nods his head as he jumps up and down. I got Tommy some baby carrots not knowing what he normally likes while regressed, I'll have to ask him later. Tommy quickly got to eating his snack. I smile at him as he eats. He finishes in no time. "Did the bunny have a good snack?" I question him. Tommy bounces on his heels as he shakes his head. I gave the regressed boy a circular chew toy. This kept him occupied for a bit. "I see my little bunbun having fun" I say. He smiles as he continues playing with his toy.

I can tell Tommy is starting to lose interest in his toy but it's all he has. "Will you be okay on your own for a little?" I ask. He nods his head quickly. I put my shoes on and head to the store. It didn't take me long to get back home. Tommy was still playing with his toy. I walk over to him. "I got something for you" I point to a bag I was holding. He stops playing and looks at me. I pull out a tent that had tunnels in it. Awhile back I saw something about it when I was looking up things regressor use. It was so I was prepared if Tommy needed anything, it was easy for me to piece together he was a pet regressor.

After the tent was set up Tommy started playing with it. I laugh at the younger. I'm glad he's having a good time. I watch him play in his new tent and with some other new toys I got him. He comes over to me at some point and I play with him as well. I'm definitely going to ask to be his caretaker when he's not regressed.

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