Moving Is Stressful

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Request by Swag_Bee34

Pet: Tommy
Caretaker: Techno
Other: Wilbur and Phil

~3rd Person~

Tommy had been looking for an apartment for awhile now. After a few months he was able to find one. Today was the day he moved in. He had furniture set up already but still needed to bring all his boxes and unpack. The SBI decided to meet up and help Tommy move. Techno and Phil were the first ones to arrive at Tommy's old house, it was his parents. Techno had been staying at Phil's so he came with him. The three of them packed the car with most of Tommy's things. Wilbur packed the rest of the stuff in his car when he arrived. Tommy went in Wilbur's car and they were on the road, it didn't take long for them to reach the apartment building.

After bringing all the boxes up to the apartment the group started unpacking. Tommy brought all the ones he needed to his room and unpacked most of his clothes by now, he also set up his bed for tonight. It was lunch time and they decided to take a break to eat. Phil is making them food and Wilbur is trying to help as much as he can. Tommy went to his room and laid down for a bit. He was really stressed because of moving and hadn't regressed in a long time, he was too busy packing and getting everything set up for his move. Tommy accidentally slips into his raccoon headspace without realizing it. The regressed boy begins chewing his sleeves, he hasn't unpacked his regression stuff yet because of the others being here and not knowing about his pet regression.

~Techno POV~

I had been watching Phil and Wilbur cook when I remember Tommy isn't here. He went to his room awhile ago and hasn't come out. I decided to check up on the younger. It's awfully quite in his room so I knock on the door, he doesn't say anything. I open the door and looked around, I spotted Tommy curled up on his bed chewing his sleeve. What's going on? I walked up to the other and gently tapped his shoulder. The poor boy didn't notice me entering and jumped up from being scared. "Sorry I thought you would have heard me opening your door" I apologize to the other, I did feel bad he got scared. Instead of saying anything he let out a noise that sounds like a chitter. Now I'm really confused. I soon realized he might be a pet regressor, one of my friends was one and they had regressed in front of me before so I know about it. "Do you have any regression stuff?" I asked. Tommy turned towards a box.

I helped him put on raccoon ears and a tail, he looked adorable. He was still chewing on his sleeve, I looked through the box some more and found a teether. I clipped it on for him and he immediately started chewing on it. After a bit Wilbur called us for lunch. "Toms are you comfortable with Wilbur and Phil seeing you regressed?" I wanted to make sure he was alright with it first. He nodded slightly and let out a quite chitter. I picked the boy up and put him on my hip, I brought us both into the living room. He curled up on the couch as I went to get the others. I quickly explained to them what was going on before they saw Tommy. "Well that explains the treats I found" Wilbur said holding up a tin.

Wilbur brought the tin with him into the living room, Phil grabbed a tray of food, and I brought the drinks. When I reached everyone else I smile at the sight in front of me, Wilbur was giving Tommy treats and Phil was scratching his head. The younger looks very happy and relaxed. I took out my phone and take a picture.

I put on a movie after we all ate, we all cuddled up together. Tommy was on my right side with his head on my lap. Wilbur was on my other side and Phil was next to Wilbur. Small purrs are heard from Tommy throughout the movie. He must be enjoying me petting his head. At some point during the movie he fell asleep. I continue petting his head and smile. When he's awake later I want to ask if I could officially be his caretaker.

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