Play Dates With Spiders

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Request by Blood_puppy

Little: Tommy (1-3)
Cg: Wilbur
Other: Shroud

~Wilbur POV~

Today I went to go visit Tommy, we haven't spent time with each other in awhile. I knocked on his door and a few seconds later he opened it. He was holding a stuffie and a spider. "Why do you have a spider?" I question the other. "It Shwoud my spidey" he mumbled. He must be little right now, I've only seen him regressed a few times so I'm still new to this. "He's very cute buddy" I compliment the spider. Tommy giggles at my comment and hands me the spider. I slightly panic but hold the spider carefully, he pets the spider that was now in my arms.

"Let's go inside" I recommend, we have been standing at his front door for a few minutes and it's cold, I don't want Tommy getting sick. I was now sat on his couch still holding Shroud, I was petting him gently. Tommy was sat on his playmate with a few toy cars and a racing track, he seems content on his own.

The little has been playing on his own for a few hours. "I wanna do someting new" he turned to me with a slight pout and his arms crossed. "What do you want to do now sweetie?" I asked. "Pway wif Shwoud" he tried to grab the spider from me. "Okay, be gentle please" I said while putting the spider next to Tommy. "Otay bubba" he spoke quietly more focused on Shroud than me. I continued sitting and watch the two play, Tommy was crawling around and chasing Shroud. The little was giggling the whole time and Shroud seemed to enjoy it as well. I was surprised on how gentle Tommy was being with the spider. This is definitely going to tire the little out, which will help when I need to put him down for his nap.

When their game of tag was over Tommy sat on the couch next to me. Shroud followed the boy and jumped up onto the couch, he curled up on Tommy's lap. I was shocked Shroud got on to the couch on his own. "Can we watch movie?" Tommy asks me. "Of course we can bubs" I grabbed the TV remote. "What movie for you want to watch?" he thought for a second. "Moana pease" he sounds very excited. I turned on the movie and put a blanket over Tommy and Shroud. The younger was petting Shroud as we watched the movie. I found a pacifier on the table next to me. Tommy was distracted by the movie and didn't notice me clipping the pacifier to his onsie. I put the pacifier into his mouth and he smiles instantly, I couldn't help but smile as well.

After we finished the movie Tommy crawled back to his play mate, Shroud followed him. Tommy babbles to his pet and giggles at him. He must have slipped to a younger age during the movie. "How old are you prince?" I ask the other. He held up one finger, probably too little to talk. I made lunch appropriate for Tommy's age and made myself something small, I also got Shroud's food. Shroud went over to his food bowl and starts eating.

I place Tommy in his highchair and put his food in front of him. He just stared at the bowl, it seems like he's too small to eat on his own. I pick up his fork and feed him. After all his food was done I quickly ate my lunch while Tommy played with a rattle. It was now time for Tommy to have a nap. I picked him up and brought him to his room. He immediately lays under his covers, Shroud lays next to him. Tommy cuddles with Shroud and falls asleep instantly. I smile at the two of them as I take a picture.

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