Chapter Three -Stay With Me pt. 2

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I couldn't sleep that night, usually, I'd stay daydreaming about airplanes and stuff like that, but tonight was different, my mind was all flooded by Y/N.

I admired their bravery, their fierce and their smile; especially that smile that appeared on their face after something bad had happened, like when some crows destroyed their crops, all they said was "well, at least they had a wonderful feast" while smiling all the time.

It was amazing how in a short period of time they had befriended all of the villagers when on my case it took years, but I'm still treated as just the "local doctor" with that everyone must speak with manners...

I haven't been able to build relationships outside of my professional life, but Y/N? They became everyone's best friend so quickly. How did they do that? And why was I feeling so jealous of everyone?

It was a matter of fact that someone so adventurous and awesome as them would be interested in someone similar to them, right? Like Sebastian, that guy rides a motorcycle and has a unique style, of course, Y/N would find him interesting, and after all, they were around the same age.

After all, why would they be interested in a boring mid-30s man like me?

I tossed and turned around in my bed and finally got some sleep.

- -


I heard Maru's noisy shout from downstairs
"GET READY" shouted Maru again
Groans " fine, I'll go"

I got out of bed still feeling dizzy from that sudden way of waking up.
Grabbed clean clothes and started my coffee machine, to be fair its coffee wasn't the greatest but it helped me wake up. I went downstairs and opened the door to Maru.

"Oh my Yoba, Harvey, you look dead."
"The sweetest voices I've ever heard..."
"Hey, I know you've been feeling quite down, but maybe the Flower Dance would cheer you up! Plus, I've got a plan to help you."

The coffee machine starts beeping.

"Ehhh, sure Maru, come inside and wait a sec." I went upstairs and served myself a cup of coffee, after the first sip, I felt how the energy started getting into my brain. I was now awake.

I went downstairs to greet Maru with better manners and found her shyly sitting on a chair with a fair blush on her cheeks.

"Hey, Harvey... about my plan...I was thinking that maybe..." At this point, Maru's face was bright red "Maybe we should dance together at Flower Dance. As friends of course!"

All I did was stare at her. On occasions like this I would have rejected this invitation right away, but I knew all Maru wanted was o cheer me up.

"Sure, why not?"
"Really? That was faster than I thought."
"It's just a dance after all, plus we'll go as friends."
"Yes, we'll dance until raising your spirits."

"Thanks, Maru" I said.

- -

Since I was dancing, I changed my regular clothes for the typical Flower Dance Costumes, they were too bright for my liking. But the weirdest part was when the dance was about to start in 10 minutes, Demetrius took me to a remote place from where The Flower Dance was being celebrated and looked me straight into my eyes for a couple of seconds, then he said "don't try anything inappropriate with my daughter, watch your hands."
I nodded frantically and then ran to the dance floor, then I saw Maru in her white floral dress. It was rare to see her so groomed, I was very used to seeing her in her typical blue jeans and overalls.

When we started dancing Maru and I started looking into each other eyes, we had never been this close before, I was starting to feel quite uncomfortable. Years ago this may have been exciting for me -Dancing with someone after all-but right now all I was feeling was guilt.

I should be dancing with Y/N, I should have been brave enough and invited them.

"Sorry if I'm not a good dancer," I said
"It's okay" she whispered, and after a few seconds she started blushing "Harvey, I have a question..."
"What is it?"
"Did you... ever catch feelings for me?"

I stared blankly at her, that question had caught me off guard. Did I ever catch feelings for Maru? I mean, back into a few years I'd see her with some dating possibilities, but always told myself that I never made any moves because of her father, but was that truly an excuse I came up with because actually... I never felt anything for her other than a great friendship?

"Why are you asking?"
"I've had this crush on you for a while now, but honestly I never saw you feeling the same way back, we mostly speak about work and my experiments. I was so sure I was the only person you had opened yourself in Pelican City, but when Y/N arrived here I saw how you changed... How you get so shy around them, how your mood rises when they bring you a gift, how do you care about them... you look at them the same way I looked at you.
At first, I was teasing you about inviting Y/N to the Flower Dance, but then I realized you were in fact terrified of asking them out."

I can't believe that between us I'm the one that has realized this for a long time. You like Y/N, Harvey."

This was a lot of info to process for me.  First, there was my good friend and colleague confessing her feelings for me; and second, realizing my feeling for Y/N...

"I just want to know Harvey, did you ever feel something for me?"

"Maru, I-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Linus stormed into the dance floor screaming for help.

"LINUS" shouted Mayor Lewis "What on earth is happening?"

Linus tried to calm himself.

"Y/N was attacked in the mines, they are seriously injured."

- -

A/N: Hey everyone! Woah, almost three months without updating this chapter, I'm not gonna lie, I had problems writing this chapter since it has been the longest I have written so far, plus college was taking a lot of my free time.

Please let me know what you think about the story so far, next chapter will be from Y/N's perspective.

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