How much gold for a simpler life? Part 1(Y/N pov)

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My forehead was leaning on the bus window while I was contemplating the change from urban to countryside landscape. When was the last time I saw so much green? I had become so used to seeing tall grey buildings and stressed people surrounding them.

"Have you gone insane?"

Those were the first words my boss had said to me after I gave him my two weeks' notice, I could see the rage through his eyes staring at me, then at my resignation, then at me again.

"You're our best worker, you have brought so many clients to Joja inc. All of what you have achieved these past years is being thrown away in the garbage, stop acting like a spoiled brat and learn to suck things up, be an adult, and grow the fuck up."

I kept rewinding the day I chose to leave the company, I had dreamed about leaving that stupid place for almost two years, and in my mind, my resign day was going to be the most glorious and liberating experience I could get-but it was the opposite, I have never felt more humiliated and berated in my life, but the worst part was that I couldn't contain my tears in front of my now former boss -I even though my decision of moving to my grandpa's farm was actually a childish fairytale.

I mean, In retrospect I was having a stable income that if I had managed well I could've moved out from my parent's place to a rented apartment in the span of three years, the only bad thing about that plan was that I had to share it with 4 more people to make it affordable, but it was a safer and more secure plan than moving to your grandpa's old farm... right?

I snapped my head, what was wrong with me? Am I really doubting my grandpa's words? I know it was an uncommon way of starting over, left my parents concerned about my choice and all of my friends and coworkers basically laughed at my face when I told them about my plan, but it was my life after all.

People laugh at lifestyles they are too afraid of following. They laugh to hide the envy of your bravery for taking a different path. It was what my pops would usually say when I was growing up, I couldn't understand it when I was a kid - but now those words made a lot of sense.

"We'll be arriving at Stardew Valley within thirty minutes!" Said the bus driver

There was no turning back, although I still was insecure about my choice I couldn't step back, also in the scenario where everything goes wrong I could just take the bus back hom-

"To the people dropping off in Stardew Valley, take your precautions since this will be the last ride from this bus, the motor is starting to get damaged and unfortunately there's no replacement."

Well... I literally couldn't go back to the city, is this my grandpa's signal for not turning back? Kind of a drastic way of helping me but okay.

- -

I finally made it to Stardew Valley where the mayor and a woman named Robin received me, we talked for a while, and then guided me to my pop's farm.

My heart was beating hard, I was going to finally see my new home and life, a fresh start and a new chapter in my story!

What the fu- I thought to myself.

"Welcome to your new house." Said Lewis. "I err... know it isn't in the best conditions, but I think you can handle it."

"Y/N, if you ever need anything don't hesitate on visiting my shop, I can upgrade your house and build some coops or barns." Said Robin
"The good news is that you have a lot of material lying on the ground hehe."

I gave her a weak smile, maybe this wasn't a great plan after all...

Lewis cleared his throat before talking to me
"You should go and meet everyone, you're the main topic everyone has been talking about, it's so rare to have people moving in here."

"Thanks for all your help guys". I said

"No problem, if you ever need something please let us know."

"Sure! Thanks."

- -

Some days have passed since I moved to the farm, I've met almost all of the villagers and most of them were actually pretty nice people - only two of them were quite rude to me - but overall everyone gave me a warm welcome. A good this is that there were a lot of salmonberries around the farm so I gave the, as gifts, many people got weird faces about it but received them and thanked me anyway, maybe it meant something in Pelican City? I don't know

The only people I haven't met are the woman from the ranch southward on my farm and the doctor.

I wanted to go to the clinic to get my records filled, but since the farm needed a lot of work I kept rescheduling my visit. Until today.

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