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"One more thank you."

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you've already had a lot to drink. I can't give you another one," the bartender speaks to me while trying to remove the glass from my hand. My eyes rise from the glass and meet his, I rapidly grab him by his collar and pull him closer to me over the counter.

"I want a stoli on rocks with a twist and you are going to give me that," I say and his pupils widen. He pulls away from the counter and begins to make me another drink. 5 drinks and it still isn't enough to end my misery. One last drink... One last drink and if it won't make me forget my misery, I'm going to put an end to it myself. I barely even know how I've been living with this for 18 years, how I've survived.

The bartender hands me the drink he made me, there is slight fear in his eyes. "How did you do that? What are you?" The confusion is written all over his face, camouflaging his fear.

I take a sip of my drink, it isn't as good as the previous one, but it will do it. "Don't be afraid, keep serving the people their drinks and forget all about this, about me. You never saw me," I say while looking him deeply in the eyes. I use compulsion to make him forget, I can't let him know that I can do some things other people aren't able to do. I hold my glass up to my lips and drink it all in one swallow. I wait a few minutes to see if I will forget, unfortunately, I don't, I still remember. That's it, I'm going to do it myself then...

As I am going to get off of the chair I feel something hitting it, more like someone. I turn around and look at the person and freeze as I see him. It's a tall guy, probably around 6 feet. He has a nice physique, not the bodybuilder type body, but still a fit body. His blue fleece jacket is sitting perfectly on his body and he looks really good in it. He has some nice brown curls that would probably attract any girls in his radius, no doubt he is a really attractive man. I should be saying something and not just staring at him. Fuck. "You should see where you sit next time." His honeyed voice caught me off guard. I catch myself looking at the corner of his lip that slightly raises, he is amused, charming yet condescending at the same time.

"Pardon me? You can't be serious." I finally managed to focus and say something back.

"You should see where you sit next time." Seriously? He can't even apologize? "I forgive you," he says with a burst of laughter and sits next to me. "It's not my fault that you expect me to see your chair. Instead, you could have moved it to somewhere else," he continues while laughing. He is definitely annoying me now. Pretty face, but an asshole.

"You're such a jerk, how can you possibly not see a grown up woman sitting on a bar chair? You might want to get some glasses then."

"I will take the jerk thing as a compliment." He flashes a smile at me. "I didn't see the grown up woman you're talking about, because all I saw was a young beautiful lady." Yes, definitely an asshole. "Who seems annoyed by the look she is giving me. But tell me Miss annoyed woman, why should I care if I disturbed you?"

"Yeah, I'm not going to waste my time on you," I say and roll my eyes at him.

"You already did, love. Let's start again. I'm deputy agent Clarke." He holds his hand out to me. I glare at him for a few seconds, then look at his hand and shake it.

"And I'm Cora." I'm lying... Well technically not, Cora is my middle name and I don't trust this guy enough to tell him that my actual name is Blair.

Once again he flashes a smile and rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. "It's such a pleasure to meet you. So tell me, what in the world is a young, beautiful, and annoying woman like you doing here alone?" he asks me.

SOULS WITH SCARS | Ryan ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now