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A/N: Bolded text: Chloe's thoughts


at least thats what it was supposed to be.

Not anymore....


3 hours earlier...

?: Agent Decker, here's a new case.
?: Lucifer Morningstar, big shot club owner also a notorious liar.
?: he's got people on the inside who cover up his wrong doings, but not anymore.
?: you are being tasked with going undercover your job is to catch his eye. Grab his attention, make it so he can't keep his eyes off you, got it?

I stood there as my boss was explaining my new case. Well time to bust out all the stops, if I'm tasked with bringing him down I'm doing it the correct way.

Chloe: Yes, got it, thanks boss.

Boss: now head home and prepare, we are doing this tonight. We have waited to long to catch this bastard.
Boss: Ella will bring your outfit to your house later tonight and remember this needs to be believable.

Chloe: yes boss I understand, I need to know does he have any certain likings.
Chloe: I need to get inside his head, so before I go undercover I'll do some research.
Chloe: bye boss

I took the case file and headed out to my car. My first stop was Ella's house, she always has dresses on hand for me to borrow. I needed to find something that was more his style. He wore a lot of black.
As I was searching through her closet I found the perfect dress for tonight's undercover operation.

 As I was searching through her closet I found the perfect dress for tonight's undercover operation

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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Ella: Chloe that's the dress 100 percent.
Ella: I'll box it up and drop it off later tonight.

Chloe: thanks ell, alright I gotta go get ready.

Time to head home.  Time to prepare to be in character ALL night. No slip-ups, no caving, and absolutely no falling for him.
He's got a lure about him. Everyone's drawn to him. Don't add to his pile.

Was the mantra I repeated to myself over and over and over while in the mirror. Did it help no, but I'll figure it out.
The sting was supposed to start around 9 pm and it was already 8:30 pm, so I had to hurry.


Location: Lux Nightclub

There he was, sitting in the middle of the club playing a tune on the piano. Always wanting to be the center of attention. I was at the top of the staircase watching from an angle.

He was wearing an all black suit and it fit him amazingly. Showing the outlines of almost everything.

Decker nock it off, stop thinking like that, you're here to arrest him not jump his bones.

I descended down his spiral stair case and right then and there I caught sight of him. He was undressing me with his eyes.

He could undress me with his hands if he wanted to
Omg I need to stop thinking like that.

I waltzed over to him and I started roaming my hands all around his body.

Lucifer: well... hello there
Lucifer: and who might you be

Chloe: hello my name's Jane.
Chloe: would you like to show me how to play.

If course in normal Lucifer fashion he says.

Lucifer: oh darling I could show you a lot of things.

I bet you could
I'm not supposed to give in this easily

Under my dress was a thigh strap that held a pair of hand cuffs and a gun just for good measure.
He grasps my hips and pulled me down to his lap.

Lucifer: you know, you look absolutely delectable in this dress.

I felt his growing erection press into the inside of my thigh and it made me shudder. He must've noticed cause then he asked

Lucifer: darling are you well? 

I tried to sound the most amount put together, it didn't go as planned.

Chloe: uh- uh uh huh

He leaned in closer to my pulse point and started to lightly kiss around my neck.

Lucifer: are you sure?
Lucifer: you sound flustered.

Chloe: uh im.. Im not flustered.

He started dragging his hand lower and lower until he reached my thighs
He slowly spread them apart.

He dipped his hand into my panties....


Chloe: ahhhhhhh

I sat up and looked around and saw that Lucifer was sleeping right next to me.

That was one very heated dream I've ever had

I got up and went to the bathroom and splashed my face with water.    

I wonder if Lucifer would ever be up to recreating my dream in real life hmmm

I guess we'll have to wait and see...


A/N: ;)

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