Part 6: "lets wing it"

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After the incident I closed her door and bumped into both Rudy and Chase being taken control over by Maddy.
"These idiots are drunk again." She rolls her eyes mostly referring to her boyfriend.

"Yeah." I say distracted smiling at the door.
"Wait why were you in Astrid's room?" Maddy questions as realisation grows over her face.

"You and Astrid?" She says loudly as Austin also hears walking behind.
"What are you guys together?" He asks keen moving closer to the group.
"What I-" I say interjecting but everyone continues to talk and my mind blows up.

"No I don't like her okay!" I say way to loudly looking behind me to see Astrid with a hurt expression her face looking down and her eyes emotionless and staring straight into mine. Madison shakes her head behind.
"Wait Astrid I-" I pull her forearm but she runs off.
"Oof." Rudy and Chase say too drunk to understand.

"Wait!" I scream running after her as she continues.
"Go away Drew!" She screams back finally yelling back as we stand on the bridge as rain trickles down and drips down our bodies.

"No! Alright I'm not going away." I yell back seriously as she crosses her arms.
"What do you have to tell me then? Was it all some joke? You slept with me as a joke?" She questions as I put my hands over my face.

"No okay! I just don't want everyone to know yet and ruin it whatever this is. Okay yes I like you you know I do Astrid why are you making this complicated, otherwise I would've denied it I wouldn't have kissed you. I wouldn't have told J-" she looked frustrated and grabbed my neck near my face softly kissing me as i did the same she let go.

Teasing me she laughed and ran back as I stood there in the rain. She knew I didn't mean it, I just didn't want to rush so I guess this was what we were going to do.
Wing it.

(This bit was a bit short haha. I just don't want to rush them being together )

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