Chapter 14: Shook Ones Pt. 2

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Bedstuy, Ny

Suri and Norach are sitting in the office going over their plans for the Harlem HQ. They've been sending troops and builders that way and have split their focus into two projects making it more stressful to manage. They get a ring to the office. Suri speaks into her watch.

'who is it?' Suri yells

'it's Ike' the voice says.

Suri and Norach look at each other. Norach checks the clip in his gun and stuffs it back on the side of the seat. Suri rolls her eyes at him and Norach shrugs his shoulders. After the past few days they had, they gotta stay prepared for anything. Suri opens the door and daps Ike up. He comes in and takes off his coat. He pulls a chair up to the table their at and puts a matte black briefcase down on the table.

Norach daps Ike as he sits down.

'you know I gotta ask, what's in the briefcase.' Suri says to Ike

'I'm not sure what it is... but it's definitely not from this planet..' Ike says

He opens the briefcase and three clear flat disks are neatly separated on a silk pillow.

'microscope panels?' Norach asks

'that's what I thought until this happened.' Ike says

Ike pulls out the small black box he found years ago. It still had Irie's blood filling up one side perfectly. He holds the box over the panel on the left. The panel suddenly turns blue and like a living being it reaches up towards the cube, almost trying to fuse with it. Ike quickly moves the box and the panel goes back to its original clear, flat state.

'who's blood is that?' Suri asks

Ike takes a deep breath and exhales as this is a touchy subject

'Irie, my sister. We don't know why the cube took her blood but I was hoping that you could help me figure it out.' Ike replies

Ike hands the cube over to Suri who starts rotating it in her hands. It's not doing anything special and she hands it off to Norach to take a look.

'where did you get that panels from?' Suri asks

'well, since you know who my sister is, you can probably guess we have the same powers. I can basically get into anyplace I want, just gotta give people the right push. His black eyes start spinning and Suri can see a glimpse of the white spiral. Norach reaches into the side of the seat with one hand. Ike blinks and his eyes go back to normal.' Ike replies. He stops talking to take a spliff out his pocket

'I don't like using it in regular life. I already pretty charming without it. However, when it comes to this, I've been a frequent visitor. This last time though, they had some weird guests. I don't know who they are but I felt the watching me, and I was sure that nobody could see me at all. What makes it even more curious, they knew I was there and didn't tell the board. It's like they wanted me to steal it.' He said

Norach keeps his hand on the gun and nudges Suri to take the cube. She takes it without looking and a sharp corner cuts her finger. She quickly switches hands and shakes her hand in pain, sucking the cut the stop the bleeding. The cube in her had starts glowing and shaking. She drops in to the table and it vibrates to the middle. It turns from blue to pink and then black to its onyx color except the box grew in size. It's now the shape of a smaller briefcase than the one on the table.

Irie and Suri's blood collect in the bowl in the middle each taking up their own side but stop for an invisible line in the middle.

'well, that definitely did something. I'm not sure what but it needs more blood but-' Ike says. 'Wait!' Ike yells

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