Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings

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"It is the year 2033, human life has dissolved down to its most basic form. Fame, territory & money. All things men have shed blood for. Ironically, it is now the most valuable thing in the world"

Summer of 2033
Brooklyn NY
1:05 pm

Inside of the Noremac Hideout the council meets with the Oracle to discuss the future of the Normac's. The room is quiet and one Council member rises to speak. "Are you sure she's ready?"

With a booming voice, the Oracle of Phanes responds. "Is anyone truly ready for anything? If you do not heed the words of the Oracle, you will surely fall."

Another Council member stands up and yells "But she is simply a child, she cannot possibly lea-

The Oracle of Phanes intereupts. "It was but a simple apple that made eden fall. A simple 30 pieces of silver that made Judas betrayed Jesus. Alas, a simple virus that brought everything you know and love to an end. Either heed The Oracle or die."

The Oracle turns into a ball and disappears out the window, into the night. The second Council member sits as the first one stares up at the ceiling. "I guess we have no choice." He says.

Later that night
Noremac Hideout
Brownsville, NY

Every Noremac in the sector has gathered together to hear the announcement of their new leader.

A big empty throne is illuminated on stage as a shadowy figure comes on stage. "Silence everyone! Tonight is the night we crown our new leader. After the senseless death of Irv... we have had the difficult task of appointing a new leader." He takes a long pause as the crowd quiets down. "Irie, will you please come on stage?" He says and extends his arm towards the back of the crowd.

A figure emerges from the darkness. Irie. She is a brown skinned, vibrant eyed, youthful young lady. The room is quiet. As she gets onto the stage, she turns around with a smile. Not only is she the youngest person in the room, but the most dangerous. The man starts to speak again. "Since the beginning of our creation, this throne has known only one family. If we were to break tradition... I fear that we would break everything we have left... We hereby appoint Irie, as the new commander of the Noremac's. With full diplomatic control and what we would hope to be undying loyalty included..."

The crowd starts murmuring loudly as Irie sits down on the throne with a laugh. As the crowd gets louder, Irie revels in their anger.  She then grows impatient.

A Random Noremac in the crowd starts to talk loudly. "I don't know about the rest of you but I'm not going to sit here and die while some stupid kid bosse-

Irie shoots the Noremac in his head mid sentence as the crowd gets silenced. Irie smiles as she holds her gun up. "Now, anyone else object?"

Silence covers the room

Irie sits down as she holsters her gun. "Excellent, now i hope you're taking notes, cuz I don't like to repeat myself." The deceased Noremac is carted out of the room as Irie continues. "Watching my brother die, gave me a new outlook on life. We can't just sit around and be the victims of this life. Anything we want, we have to take it."

Another Noremac yells. "What if someone stops us?" Irie laughing, jumps from the stage into the crowd and onto the table he's standing next to.

"I said. ANYTHING. we want. we take." Irie shoots him in the head and jumps off the table. He is carted out of the room as well.

Irie looks at everyone before she says "Did I mention that I don't like to repeat myself?" As Irie makes her way back to the throne the crowd starts to chant "HAIL IRIE"

Abandoned Apartment
Bedstuy, Ny

Suri kicks in the bolted door that has a rusted 2D on it.

"Oof, it smells like shit in here." Suri says as she goes through the rubble and garbage of what used to be her home. As she goes through the mess, a pair of glowing green eyes appear in the corner. Suri picks up a stray piece of wood as the figure comes out into the light.

"Who are you? Actually, what are you doing in my house?" Suri says.

The man laughs. "YOUR HOUSE?! Ha! This has been my home for over 7 years now. When did you live here? When you were 3?"

Suri scoffs and says "Yeah well, it was my house before it was yours & you didn't answer my first question."

He starts twitching a little and says "They call me Osal. Ironically enough I'm named after the God of recovering from illness. They were correct spelling it backwards I suppose."

Suri looks at Osal with a ridiculous face then notices how green and cracked his eyes are and instantly tightens her guards up. "Is that why your eyes are green? Because you're sick? "Osal looks Suri directly in the eyes and notices that her eyes are a bright golden color. He grins sneakily and wipes it away quickly. "Yes, that's exactly why. However, the cure for my illness is simple and I think you can help me with that." Osal comes closer the Suri who gets ready to swing. "I don't think I can help yo-." As Suri speaks Osal cuts her face open with a knife. The blood leaking from the large cut across her face impairs her vision in one eye. Osal laughs. "Just a little bit of your blood will work. I hope you don't mind." He says. As Osal licks the blood off of the knife, Suri becomes infuriated. She shapeshifts into a black Jaguar ready to devour Osal. Osal's eyes roll back in his head as he falls onto the ground in a fit of convulsions. Suri grabs him by the head and throws him at the tub. She shifts back into human form as she watches Osal hit the wall and slide into the tub. She closes the door and decides to deal with him later. In her blood she writes on the wall the word RETLAS.

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