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jimin, despite being excited earlier to see his hyungies house was now stood with the 6 boys infront of the house, nervous, the house had a light purple door which led jimin to take a much needed breathe,

making jimin realise how he had been holding his breath, getting pulled out of his thoughts when a warm hand was placed on his cheek snapping him to realisation, that all the males were now in the house while he stood there in a daze.

he looked up to see taehyung, who gave his signature boxy smile, making jimins heart have tiny palpitations as a light, dusty pink appeared on his cheeks,

making the older let out a breathy laugh, resulting in many goosebumps to appear on jimins arms and face.

"you're really in a daze, hm baby?" taehyung questioned leaning very close towards the youngers face making the younger look away quickly, slightly intimidated.

which didn't last long as taehyung grabbed jimins chin softly, gazing into the youngers eyes before glancing down at jimins plump lips, and back up to his eyes, looking for consent as jimin nodded his head softly.

"are you sure bub?" taehyung whispered against jimins ear, "y-yes kiss me tae, pleasee~" jimin whined as he moved his head toward taehyungs, directing his lips to the olders.

taehyung didn't need anything else and leant down and placed his pink, thin lips onto jimins' soft and plump ones,

which had the youngers' legs go weak as his body leant on to taehyungs, jimins' hands on taehyungs' shoulders gripping the rough denim jacket softly.

taehyung lifted the younger so that jimins legs were around his waist, as jimin snaked his arms around taehyungs' neck, taehyung taking the next step of gently licking the youngers bottom lip asking for permission to go further,

which jimin happily accepted and opened his mouth as both of their tongues wrapped around one anothers, jimin deciding to take a risk, he softly sucked the olders tongue as he then nipped gently at the olders bottom lip which had taehyung let out a throaty groan,

indicating he enjoyed it, making jimin have a feeling of satisfaction with himself, bubble up in his stomach as he pulled away from the kiss with his face all flustered,

as the older slowly let jimin down from his arms, jimin now avoiding the olders eyes as he looked around the house realising that taehyung must have carried him inside during their little makeout session.

the house had such a cosy atmosphere and had a massive fireplace that jimin just wanted to lie by with a big fluffy blanket, he then shifted his gaze to the five males that all had a light pink blush on their faces with an unknown look in their eyes,

as jimins eyes widened, coming to realisation that..

he just kissed THEIR boyfriend,

scratch that he made out with their boyfriend, and they saw.

'they are going to hate me now, how could i do that, stupid jimin!' jimin scolded himself in his thoughts, as his eyes started rapidly brimming with hot tears, as his bottom lip trembled,

making the six males panick not knowing why the younger was crying,

"i-i a-amm so-so sorr-y, i-i shouldn't have do-ne that!" jimin cried, "i-i will leave! i will leave... i am so sorry" jimin whispered out, sniffling softly as he rubbed his eyes with his dark red jumper, turning on his heels as he let out a hiccup,

the six males stood there dumbfounded, until it clicked what was wrong, jimin thought they were mad at him for kissing taehyung, making all their hearts clench and eyes go teary,

jimin was stopped before he could go out of the door by two large hands wrapping around his waist pulling him back and picking him up so he was stood back infront of the five males where he was before,

"baby, it's okay, you're okay, we're not mad at you, calm down kitten" namjoon whispered into the youngers ear from behind, as his arms, that were wrapped around jimins waist, rubbed the youngers side, soothing him.

as jimin collected himself, he looked up with red puffy eyes, that occasionally spilt some tears as he blinked,

"i am *sniff* so sorry, minnies *hiccup* sorry" jimin hiccuped out, rubbing his eyes roughly with the fabric on his arms causing a pair of hands to grip his slim wrists firmly,

"baby, stop. you don't need to be sorry, it's not your fault, but we need to talk okay angel?" yoongi firmly stated, even though he had asked a question, it was like an order and jimin obeyed easily, nodding his head, causing yoongi to softly smile and peck his nose.

they were all now sitting on the sofa, the only sound being the fire crackling, as seokjin coughed to grab the attention as he stood up and crouched infront of jimin,

"jimin i need you to listen to what we're about to say, okay?" jin questioned with a stern but gentle voice, his thumb caressing jimins soft and small hands,

"hm, okay hyungie" jimin smiled, his eyes disappearing making jin coo automatically.

"so jiminie, i want to start of by saying we are not mad at you, at all. as you know all of us are in a relationship and recently we've started liking someone and want to ask them to also be our boyfriend" jin confessed truthfully.

"o-okay?" jimins voice cracked, 'they like someone else?' jimin thought sadly, pouting.

"now baby, please don't freak out" hoseok shifted closer to jimin and played with his hair "but we, me and my boyfriends want you to be apart of our relationship, we really like you angel." hoseok smiled, pushing jimins hair back, making jimins hair messy and puffy.

"i- what? me?" jimin stuttered not being able to form a full sentence.

"yes baby you" jungkook chuckled "we really do like you minnie, we'll take care of you, love you until the end of earth, we will do anything for you bub" jungkook held jimins face in his hands,

"so what do you say, will you be ours? our minnie, our angel?" taehyung blerted out impatiently.

"yes yes! i will i'll be yours" jimin smiled showing off his eye smile and all of them let out a squeal of happiness and all piled their bodies onto jimin overjoyed with happiness.

"our minnie!" jungkook squealed placing kisses all over the youngers face making jimin squeal, trying to hide his face in the pillows,

causing the older hyungs to do the same as jungkook, grabbing jimin by the face and kissing all over it, leaving his lips to last as they all placed at least six kisses onto his lips making jimin whine,

"hyungiess! stoppp~"

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