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The next day I was peacefully sitting, reading the newspaper after finishing my breakfast

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The next day I was peacefully sitting, reading the newspaper after finishing my breakfast. William wasn't here, he left a few hours ago..
While reading, I realized that I sure did miss out on a lot of things..
That's a loss for spending most of my time with the dark haired detective...
My mind suddenly trailed elsewhere and I started thinking of him. What happened to him after I left? Is he okay?
A sudden worry struck me.. Is he ever gonna find out about William?

I sat with a troubled look on my face..
,,That look doesn't suit your beautiful face, Miss Adriene.''I suddenly heard a slightly familiar voice from beside me. I looked up to find Moran smirking at me.
,,What can I say.. that was smooth. But I would prefer if you called me Lady Adriene..''I looked blankly at him.
,,Although I do not want a man who would leave me the next day.''I smiled at him and then turned to the paper in my hands once again.
,,I guess it is your choice..''we didn't hear someone enter the room. Even though William looked pretty unfazed by the conversation he just heard, he probably acts like nothing happened.
,,Hey William! Where were you?''asked Moran, making me turn to the blonde waiting for an answer.
,,Good afternoon! I was just conversing with Brother Albert about the masquerade ball.''he smiled a bit, hanging his coat and taking off his hat.

I won't lie, I actually took a liking to William's hair. I was kinda jealous too.. His hair is shiny, unlike mine. Mine's just.. dull.
,,A masquerade ball?... Is it part of the plan in some way?..''I was actually pretty unsure of the question. I heard Moran's footsteps, but I was much more focused on this conversation..
,,Yes, it is.''He turned to me, still with a smooth smile on his face. ,,Have you perhaps heard about Irene Adler?''
I thought about it for a moment. Irene Adler..?
,,Isn't she a famous actress? I think I've seen some of her plays..''I wondered out loud.

,,You're quite right Kendra. She stole some very important documents from the palace. We figured out, that she is currently living with Sherlock. We want her to join us and there will be an interesting game at the ball to prove, that we can protect her.''he sat down opposite of me and he examined my surprised face.

William's POV
As I looked at her, I happened to realize a few things. She may look like how she did in the orphanage, but she matured a lot. I've met many women, but they could never be this beautiful. Adriene is indeed gorgeous.
,,Sherlock taking care of a woman?''she chuckled. ,,I do feel sorry for her..''
To be honest, I did chuckle at the ludicrous joke.

At first glance, you'd think the detective is a very intelligent and serious man, but it turns out to be false later on. Human nature is certainly interesting..

,,I'm actually planning on going to the ball. I want to see how this game plays out..''I said, while she looked at me.
I stood up from the sofa and walked towards her. I put my hand down for her to hold, while she just looked at me confused.
,,Say, Adriene.. Would you like to go to the masquerade ball with me?''

Adriene's POV
Oh my.. I felt my cheeks heat up at the sudden question. Me, going to a ball? I never intended to participate in any ball or party. I wasn't that type of person. But I for sure knew that William wasn't too. Why does this ball intrigue him so much?
,,I'd love to..''I might as well figure it out.
I put my hand in his and he helped me up from the comfortable seating.

Well, I actually felt more comfortable now, looking at his smile, while feeling his warmth on my hand..
I was quite excited to see how this ball will turn out..

Thank youu for waiting!! I actually loved writing this part, it was quite fun!

,,Together against the world'' William James Moriarty x ocWhere stories live. Discover now