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Adriene's povMy eyes widened and my breath hitched

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Adriene's pov
My eyes widened and my breath hitched. I couldn't believe it. And in that exact moment.. I heard a scream.
I stood up and started running to where the sound was coming from, while I heard Sherlock and the others behind me.
When I arrived, I saw nothing, but a closed cabin door.

,,Hey Addie! What happened?''asked Sherlock. I looked inside the window and saw it.. a dead body.
,,He died.''I stated while I felt them stopping near me. Then I heard someone elses footsteps too. Lestrade.
,,What happened here?''
,,Someone died.''Sherlock spoke up.
When I wanted to turn around, I noticed someone..

John.. and his suit was bloody.
,,John?!''I asked worriedly.
,,A-Adriene..''Sherlock widened his eyes.
Soon after, Sherlock and William stepped in the cabin and John was put under watch.
I took the time to examine the brothers.
Louis stood next to me, glaring at Sherlock. I just sighed.. He was always so overprotective.
He now had glasses and his hair put on the right side of his face. He still looked kinda shy, but I think he learned much in these years and became stronger. Then I focused on William..

He was tall. Like TALL. I nearly reached his shoulders.. He still had that same hairstyle, but he looked much more mature. He was the most handsome man I've ever met in my whole life. And he is still a genius. It brought back memories of how we planned to change the world..

It was just a few mins later that I realized, I zoned out.
,,Addie, can you help me?''Sherlock asked.
,,Wasn't I useless before?''
,,Khm.. Let me introduce you to my friend and his brother.''I widened my eyes. What do I do?
,,Of course..''I mumbled.
,,William James Moriarty.. And this is my brother Louis James Moriarty. It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Adriene.''he smiled. The way my name rolled off his tongue.. No one could ever say it that way, it gave me feelings that I tried to push away, while being in the orphanage.
,,The pleasure is all mine Mr. Moriarty.. As you can see, I kind of don't have a Last name..''I smiled back.
,,I would prefer if you called me William.''he looked me in the eyes while my face heated up..
,,Yeah um, in that case, feel free to call me Adriene''

The investigating began.. Sherlock decided to make a competition with William. I was kinda curious who would find the suspect first, to be honest.
I'm sorry, this chapter is really short but I'll take a break from this fanfic.. I will probably come with a lot more chapters later!
Thank you for the votes and the comments, I really appreciate it! <33

,,Together against the world'' William James Moriarty x ocWhere stories live. Discover now